Chapter 32: *a settlement*

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Ethan's POV

The feeling of Francesca's naked body against mine causes me to stir from sleeping; she's still asleep, but she's moving her arse against my cock, turning me on. I wonder if she's dreaming.

My eyes pinch shut at the feeling, my cock aching as Francesca keeps slightly moving; it's not much, but it's enough to have me in a state. I grasp her hip, in an attempt to stop her. Her shallow breathing switches to normal; she's waking up. She stretches her body out before turning over to face me. She definitely doesn't know what she was just doing.

"You dreaming?" I whisper and she mumbles, cuddling closer, not helping my current situation underneath the sheets. I move her hair out of her face, so I can see my gorgeous girl, "What did you dream about?"

"You. Us," she sighs, hooking one leg over mine. She definitely knows what she's doing now.

"Yeah? What were we doing?" I lay a kiss on the bottom of her jaw, wanting her to tell me. Her breathing goes shallow again, and before I can ask again, her hand travels down my sternum to my cock, "You don't-"

"I could feel you while I was dreaming, I know I'm the cause of this, let me."

I'd be a stupid man to refuse.

She thumbs my tip, gathering the precum and starts pumping me at the base, causing me to tip my head back and let out an uneven breath of pleasure. Once I quickly gather my sanity, I cup Francesca's face and kiss her, she smiles against my lips, opening her mouth for more.

She mumbles against my lips, "I want you."

"You've got me, darling."

I kiss her again and she kisses me back even harder, getting needier. She lets go of my dick, only to straddle me quickly, grabbing back hold of it and sinking down on me, "Pull out, okay?"

"Fuck, yeah, okay," I say, grasping her hips as she starts to rock on me.

With one hand of hers on my thigh behind her, she moves the other one down between her legs and starts to lazily circle her clit. The sight makes me lay my head back against the pillow. I can't believe she's all mine. I'm the only one who gets to see her like this.

"Tell me, darling, was this how we were in your dream? You, rocking your hips against me, using my body, getting yourself off like this?" She moans at my words, bucking her hips even faster on me. "Fuck, you got yourself so wet dreaming of us, you feel so good."

With my hand at the back of her neck, I pull her down to me, capturing her lips into a kiss before I start to thrust up into her, fucking her how we both need it. Her mouth falls agape against my lips, pornographic noises filtering out.

"Fuck, Ethan, I love you," she says breathlessly against my lips, before kissing me properly.

We fit together, her and I, like two pieces of a puzzle made from the stars in the universe, and our souls were brought down to earth just for each other. I never thought I'd be waking up to a woman I'm in love with, nevertheless being woke up like this.

I slow down my movements, and she sighs in my arms, moving her ass to meet the thrusts of my hips. I love sex like this, lazy and slow; a perfect way to start the morning.

We keep it like this, kissing each other, holding each other; loving on each other, until I find myself getting closer, feeling the tingle at the bottom of my spine. I'd usually keep going, wanting to get her off first, but we need to be careful.

Stopping my movements, she makes a sound of disapproval, so I take hold of her face, kissing her lips lightly, "Sit on my face, darling, let me get you off."

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