Chapter 23: *you sunshine, you temptress*

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Ethan's POV

"Kane, you okay finishing up tonight? The twins need a bath and Maria's asleep!" I hear my dad's voice travel through the empty gym.

"Yeah, of course! But where's Felix?" I frown, knowing he was around here somewhere.

I don't get an answer straight away, and when Scar comes around the corner, I realize why. He has a candy bar in mouth. He finishes his mouthful, me judging him incredibly while he does. "He's mopping the changing rooms."

"Ah, okay. So, what needs doing?" I check even though I'm pretty sure I know already.

"Quick check of the CCTV, look around the equipment to see if any of it is on, or if there's anything misplaced. Make sure the lights are off outside... and, um, that's about it." He lists off, and I nod, okay with all that. "Oh, and when Felix comes out, tell him to come up and help with bath time."

"He will love you so much for that." I reply sarcastically.

"Yeah, well, he's gonna be a dad, so he'll thank me one day." His words make me stare at him in shock. Felix told him already? Well, shit. "You do know, don't you?" He looks terrified as if he's just taken a pin out of a grenade.

"Um, yeah, I just didn't think you knew." I answer. "Just shocked me is all."

"Yeah, well I've only known a few hours. I'm only just getting my head around it. My baby brother is gonna be a dad, that's mad." He chuckles, leaning against the wall, and I raise my brows at him. "Oh, shit, yeah, twins, bath. Okay, I'm going. Bye, son"

"See you, dad." I say, picking up the broom with a shake of my head.

I don't spend much time sweeping the floors, merely because they don't really need doing, and I want to be done here as quickly as possible, so I can eat and go to bed. I'm tired.

My phone all of a sudden starts to ring and I groan, reaching into my pocket. My attitude quickly flips when I see Francesca's name with a white heart next to it.

"Darling?" I answer, raising the phone to my ear as I walk over to a treadmill to turn off since someone left it on.

"Hey." She seems out of breath, and I stop in my tracks, a smirk tugging at my lips, my head obviously finding the gutter. "Where are you?"

"Um... at the gym, why? Are you okay?" I check.

"Yeah, all's okay. Have you had a good day today?" She asks, her voice low, and I frown, wondering what she's up to.

"Yeah, I actually have a new client." I chuckle, taking a seat on the treadmill. "Niko, he's fourteen, getting into trouble at school, starting fights and whatnot. He's a little jerk, but... he reminds me of myself, so I'm giving him a shot. He's got some potential, lad can throw a mean punch."

"He reminds you of yourself, huh?" Her voice is soft.

"Yeah, kinda scary. He didn't even want to leave tonight, in fact he stayed an hour over. I just hope that the behavior is led from his hormones, not something else, you know?" I mumble, picking at cuticles. I need to get my nails done... maybe she'll do them with me when we see each other next?

"You'll figure it out either way, baby. You're easy to open up to." She tells me, and I smile.

"I've missed you." I admit because it's true.

"You saw me yesterday." She says it as if she has a point.

"And? An hour away from you is enough. I'm a simp, sue me." This earns me some of her sweet laughter.

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