A Bit Of Background

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I just realized, you don't even know me. I haven't explained my friggin' life yet.

My name is Camberlyn Peirce. I'm 13 years old. I have social anxiety. My parents are Gabriella and Aron Peirce. I have two siblings, Thalia (10) and Alex (4). In fourth grade, I transferred schools because I had just qualified for the Gifted program. It means I can absorb information more easily, and have a very different style of learning. My class is also harder to teach. We're hilarious, though. I managed to start a conversation in a Meet where each of my classmates started claiming parts of the world. I missed the one about 'hose strawberries', which I am sorry about.

I hate my hair. It's a boring blonde, matched with very dark brown eyes. My hair is about down to my waist, and I tell you, it is impossible to take care of. I can't count the number of split ends I have. I haven't cut it in two years, almost three, since my first year at Kemur Camp. My mom chopped it all of so it would be easier for me to take care of (and because she literally could not brush it). 

I still hide the photos.

I've been riding for four years. You know a bit about that. My first week of riding camp was actually five years ago, at a place called Old Orchard. We barely did any riding, though. I remember it was really hot and people whacked their horses with whips and we had to use an outhouse.

I have never been back. Ashley is actually going there. Ha. It suits her.

A couple months back, my parents bought me a session of riding lessons for my birthday, at a place called Irish Creek Stables. I was worried it would be too uppity and competitive for me, but in reality, it's a lot like Thorn Ridge, just a bit bigger. And a bit farther. They do showing nights in the summer. Just thinking about it makes me want to squeal and squeeze something until it bursts just to get my happiness tension out. I want to show. I want to compete and jump and maybe even win. I want a strong bond with a wonderful horse. 

Callie says she might be going to ICS too, which is something to look forward to. I hate myself for saying this, you have NO idea, but I kind of hope she completely loses her friendship with Ash. Callie is great, but I feel like I can't trust her, because more often than not, she sides with Ash. On everything. And even if she isn't directly bitchy to my face, it still hurts. 

Callie. Calypso. 11, small, adorable. She rides the ponies, especially Fab, and she could be a jockey, and she is so damn lucky she is small. She's such a sweet and kind girl, and never has a mean word to say. The two of us are also friends with Nola, whom I met back in September. She quickly became part of our group, and we found out she actually goes to the same school as Callie, which was surprising. Small world, hey?

Nola. She's an amazing worker, and is a great leader. She works hard at everything she does, she's hilarious, and she's one of my favourite people ever. She's so friendly, and she is great with horses. She is losing Kaya when Thorn Ridge closes. I used to ride Kaya, but Nola rides her so much better.

I apologize for my lack of proper grammar. I suck at wording stuff.

Oh, and Ashley.

Ashley, Ashley, Ashley. We met in the summer, we were friends, and then we had a bunch of disagreements that Ash blew way out of proportion. When Thorn Ridge had to temporarily shut down, she got super mad because I said I wanted to lease Briar. She likes to take everything that I love. When I was riding Hopscotch, she started riding him, too. When I started riding Briar again, there she was. "I want to ride Briar," she said. She thinks she's the only person that can ride Briar. The only person who can keep her calm, and canter and jump in the same lesson. Hah. Try every freaking person who rides her. That's at least six people. Every time I think of her I want to scream and break something and stuff. It's like Ashley wants to start drama. God, she should just join some cliche high school TV show or something. She's stuck up and thinks the world belongs to her. At least, that's how it seems.

Ashley is the worst.

At ICS I ride a pony named Rory. She's an adorable little palomino that looks like she should be a barrel-racing pong. She has a star and a snip, much like Blossom, a verry short mane, and a gorgeous tail. She likes to go fast, but only when we're ridin outside. She looks adorable in any colour but I honestly prefer hunter green. I call her 'Ror-bear' because it's a cute nickname, I think. I've also heard her called "Roreo". Like Oreo. Or Wario. I'm not quite sure.

Speaking of Wario, my sister enjoys Super Mario and a bunch of other Nintendo games or whatever. Thal loves platformers and obstacles and she will do anything for sugar. She would eat worms if they were dipped in chocolate. She would eat cow shit dipped in chocolate. She would eat her own brain if it was dipped in chocolate.

And Alex. He's my adorable baby brother. An absolute sweetheart, loves hugs, is always grubby and grimy and dirty with something. Both my siblings have my mom's brown eyes, and flaming red hair and freckles, and I have no idea where they got that, because neither of them look in any way like my parents.

That is enough about me. Besides, you'll learn more. Eventually.

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