A Real Life Nightmare, That's What This Is

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I was reading a book like I do every day, when a song started running through my head. It's a sad song, with sad lyrics, and somehow it reminded me of Thorn Ridge. 

Grief is a weird thing. It hits when you least expect it. 

So anyway, I was just sitting there, and suddenly I was thinking of Briar and how much I love her and how she is my entire life. No. She was my entire life. And I fell back on my bed and realized that I barely even have any pictures of her, and the best I have of us together is a couple videos of me riding. I guess I just expected her to be there forever.

So by then, I was actually crying, for the first time since the week I found out, except not the loud kind, just quiet sobs and tears. And then I calmed down and was just thinking for I don't know how long, and then I got up and walked to the bathroom and washed my face with a cold cloth and went back to my room and started reading my book again like nothing happened. 

Note to self-look up the symptoms of bipolar disorder tomorrow.

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