New Hope

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I visited Thorn Ridge two days ago. It kind of broke my heart because Jellybean was such a sweetheart, and I will miss her so much.

Actually, I won't. I am going to start volunteering at the barn she's moving to. I told Callie about the barn because her favourite two horses are coincidentally both there, and she was thrilled, and that made my day.

Briar might be staying at Thorn Ridge with two of the coaches, and I'm going to see if I can jump on that. Probably not, but there's always a possibility.

Irish Creek has opened back up, which means I can ride! That's one good thing. 

I'll still be able to see Jellybean... funny the things that make you happy, when really you used to think you'd be miserable. One year ago today I hated Jellybean, like everyone else, because she is pushy and bratty, but now I adore her almost as much as Briar.

An annoying thing is that I will be going to high school in a year and a half. Sometimes I think I can't deal with all that drama. But now, I think maybe? Just because Ashley drama? But, like, the schoolwork and stuff must be hard, I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle it. But I will try! And if worst comes to worst, I'll drop out and start show jumping for a living. Though that may not work either, because horses cost money, and a lot of it, which is why I can't keep Briar.

One day. One day I'll save up enough to buy her.

Honestly, my life is pretty boring right now, being stuck at home and all. The plus is that I have really weird dreams, like this one where I was in a tower and there were a bunch of obstacles like a video game. Another one I had was that I was in a safe house watching a whole heck of a lot of people getting stabbed with swords outside the window, for some reason this was set on my street. 

So yes. I am bored.

The new barn I am going to work at is about 20 minutes from here by car. Twice as long as it takes to get to Thorn Ridge. The owner was apparently very enthusiastic which leads me to believe she doesn't have many volunteers. Well lucky her, because if word spreads fast enough, she will be getting a truckload of us. Imagine that, all the Thorn Ridge volunteers at a new barn.

Nope. I doubt that will happen, but maybe it will, and maybe it'll be nice, but maybe not, I have no idea, and I had better ask Jenna about Briar.

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