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hello dear reader!

i see you've found my little story. 

i've not many requests from you- you don't need to vote, to keep reading, to comment, or to save. 

but i ask one thing: please, i implore you- listen using this song if you can. 

it is the most emotionally stirring love theme i've ever heard in my life. Mr John Williams did it again- gave us an incredible masterpiece. i stand by the fact that star wars would not be star wars without him. 


if you cannot access it using spotify- the song is:

Across the Stars (from "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones" - piano version

covered by patrik pietschmann


the haunting sound of this song is a perfect backdrop - i think - for the wonderfully cursed and deliciously torturous idea of love between two jedi - a type of love which i believe is stronger than most.

the love between two jedi is a love so clandestine and yet sometimes so right  that it could not possibly be against the will of the force.

that is what makes it stronger. 

yet- too often the jedi fail to see the serenity of love, the peace, the joy, the balance, focusing only on the passion, on the posession, the attachment. 

they fail to see the selflessness of love- the idea that you care for someone so deeply and so truly that you'd give anything for them.

they fail to see the fact that love is not something that can, should, or will be properly supressed.

it can be ignored...

but it cannot be stopped if it is truly love. 

see- i am relatively young- i've no wrinkles and my heart is relatively unbroken.

i'm inexperienced at this life we live as humans on our planet, but for some odd reason i've come to understand a lot about love. 

i don't know for sure if i've ever loved someone myself, but i've felt the love between others in a way that plagues my heart.

the love i've seen between jedi - born of the force and so treacherously wonderful - is quite a thing to behold, and i think Mr Williams has quite adequately captured it. 

on another note- you may notice the writing style and quality varies throughout this piece- i apologize for that. it was written over a long period of time and i've changed a lot since the beginning, but the backbone remains the same. 



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