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As the light began to disappear from the sky, our camp came into view after what felt like endless hours of jaunty riding upon our Tauntauns. Silently as we could, we steered ourselves into the stables of the camp and handed our Tauntauns off to the stablemen, and then heading back to the tent.

As Anakin neared the entrance, I paused, deciding to meditate for a bit before sleeping. "Anakin, I am going to meditate for a bit before bed. I shall see you in the morning." He nodded at me, before ducking his head and passing under the curtain, pulling it down after his cloaked figure vanished into the tent.

Yawning a bit, I made my way to the outer edges of camp, where a small outcropping of rocks rose out of the infinite blanket of white. Perched upon the tallest of the rocks, I pulled my cloak out from under me, and allowed my eyes to close. An icy breeze rolled off of the snow-covered plains, blowing my hair out of my eyes and causing my cloak to billow out behind me.

Breathing came easily; in through my nose, out through my mouth. Every thought, every bit of stress or anger blew away with the frigid wind, and the force flooded through my body, flowing through my veins, pulsing through my muscles.

Just as my thoughts seemed to have vanished, Anakin appeared in my brain, or rather, his presence did. I envisioned him sitting on his cot, shirtless for whatever reason, with the ghost of a smile scribbled across his face. Warm feelings bloomed from my chest as the mental image filled my thoughts, and my mouth opened, pulling in a sharp, cold breath of air, which pulled me from my reverie.

Suddenly, I was back on the rock, snow in my hair and beard, and a very odd feeling in my abdomen. In a mad rush to pull myself back together, I stood, and jumped into the snow. Immediately I regretted it, and scolded myself for my foolishness.

'Obi-Wan- what is wrong with you? You have been acting like a youngling lately. Actually, I suppose even younglings aren't this stupid.'

I trudged out of the snow, over the rocks, and back into camp, shaking the snow off of myself, but still ending up soaked and freezing.

'I dont know whats gotten into you, but you have got  to pull yourself together.'

Dragging my feet, I stumbled back to the tent and pulled off my cloak, tunic, pants, and undershirt before pulling on a pair of loose sleeping pants they supply to the clones. I shook the snow from my head, and collapsed onto my cot, barely managing to pull the wool fabric over myself before my head hit the pillow, and sleep washed over my like a tidal wave.

Anakin invaded my dreams, and I tossed and turned. Everything just felt cold, and I yearned for warmth. Waking up, I nearly crawled into Anakin's arms, but held myself back. Tossing and turning  persisted for hours before I finally rested my brain, and slept till morning.

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