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I glanced at Anakin, keeping eye contact as I spoke. "Oh yes, Senator Amidala. She is just lovely, don't you agree Anakin?" He nodded. "Yes. An old friend."


I returned my attention to my soup. "Tell us about the mission, Ahsoka. I don't remember much about it, but I understand Anakin was at the palace the whole time, while you worked with Jar Jar and the Gungans?" She nodded enthusiastically. The girl had always been fond of Jar Jar; where that affection came from was beyond me, but I didn't say anything.

According to her, a network of traders had successfully undermined the Gungan economy, and she was assigned to sort it out with Jar Jar's assistance. It was a minor mission, but I didn't say so- she seemed very proud. While Ahsoka worked with Jar Jar, Anakin acted as a Jedi emissary, aiding Padmé in negotiations regarding the Clone Wars, alone in the palace with Padmé. I tried not to think about that last thought too much, focusing on his Padawan. Ahsoka had several interesting stories to tell, and she talked for a while.

Halfway through, Anakin placed a hand on my knee, continuing to eat his soup with the other. For a couple sweet moments I assumed this was an accident, but my stomach began to drop when he didn't move it. calm,calm,calm,calm. Inhale a breath, hold it; let it go, ask Ahsoka a question to try and distract yourself from the small circles your married padawan's finger is beginning to trace on your inner thigh. A question left my lips as I exhaled the breath. "Did you ever have to take a bongo submarine? I did with Qui-Gon, and didn't enjoy it much- hmm."

A bizarre humming sound came out when I tried to supress much more. Anakin's hand had slid up on my thigh, and I had to actively try not to slap him. hold a breath, let go, let go, focus, dont moan for force sake Obi-Wan. Ahsoka tilted her head at my question, thankfully not noticing the sound I had made. "No, I don't remember taking one of those. But I did take this cool speeder thing!" The girl launched into a long story about how she rode some sort of underwater speeder which had a bubble around the part she sat on. Anakin's slow, treacherous circles continued.

I calmed myself down, and I was about to poke Anakin's hand away when Ahsoka asked me another question. "How did you get down there? To the Gungans, I mean. Jar Jar had the speeders for us, but you didnt have that, it seems." I placed my soup spoon down, and pulled the A99 Aqua Breather, sliding it towards her. I exhaled through my nose. "This. You should carry one, Qui-Gon taught me to always carry one with m- aahn~aAH!"

Anakin had slid his hand up rather far, giving my upper thigh a slight squeeze, and I attempted to turn the sound this pulled from me into a yelp. At the strange noise, Ahsoka looked at me with concern, and I swallowed. "H-hot soup. Swallowed without blowing.. always blow..." Anakin turned to me, evil mischeif in his eyes. "Oh yes- blowing is important." I realized my mistake in word choice as his hand slid up farther, farther... 'ABORT' I thought, and I stood hastily, sending my chair crashing behind me.

"One moment. I need to.. er, I'll be back."

Ignoring Ahsoka's bewildered expression, I turned and walked as calmly to the bathroom as I could. I heard Anakin aksing her questions about the bubble speeder as I closed the door behind me. My back hit the wall and I began sliding down to the floor. Thankfully, Anakin kriffing Skywalker hadn't caused a... problem... and I exhaled again. My mind reeled, and I wondered why the hell he had done that to me. It was cruel!

He knew my feelings, and I knew he did not reciprocate them. Yet, he keeps being flirtatious; teasing me; taunting me... after several moments, I left the bathroom with a holopad in my hand, shoved it at Anakin, and whisked away their still-half-full bowls of soup. "Well, look at the time. It is time you take your padawan to rest, Anakin. It's been lovely hearing about your mission, Ahsoka. I am proud." Anakin looked indignant. "Why didn't you say those things to me, Master?"

Yawning, I poured the soup into containers for them to take back with them. "Two reasons, Anakin. One: you wouldnt have gone on a mission as... diplomatic as that when you were a padawan. Two: Ahsoka isn't my padawan, and therefore I can spoil her if I wish to." He ducked his head. "Fair enough. Thank you for the food and company." Handing ahsoka the soup, I walked them to the door. The padawan exited, and he lingered a moment. In an instant, he turned around, placed a hand on my shoulder, and leaned down to whisper in my ear. "You know, you can just spoil me now, make up for lost time."

His words sent a shiver down my spine as he walked off down the hall, his cloak gliding in pristine columns around his ankles. Halfway down the hall, he turned back, and gave me the most cruel look, then resumed his exit. I stood in the doorway for about ten minutes before i closed my eyes, headed inside, and collapsed onto my bed, not bothering to clean my teeth or remove my clothes or even maditate for a moment.

Sleep hit me quick, and for the first time since the snowy planet Anakin haunted my dreams. For lack of half-decent vocabulary, I will not describe them now.

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