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He picked his way through the crowd, across the main cave until we reached a few boulders in the back corner. After handing me the food container he was carrying, he jumped on top of a larger boulder, and I frowned at him. "Please don't say you want to sleep up there." I thought to myself, 'why am I even surprised anymore?' But he shook his head at me and then made a nearly perfect impression of Master Yoda. "Faith in me, how little you have."

I gaped at him, sneezed, and nearly scolded him for his disrespect to Master Yoda, but remembered that he was no longer my Padwan. It was my turn to shake my head as I clambered onto the boulder. He jumped down, and I followed, crouching a bit as I landed. When I lifted my head, I found that we were in a medium-sized clearing, with a fire going in the center. Our tauntauns were tied in the corner, and our belongings piled neatly in another.

I sneezed, and looked at Anakin. "Remember I must, more faith in you to have." I made a sloppy Yoda impression, and he laughed, tilting his head backward, a smile shining across his face. "Respectfully, master, your Yoda impression is terrible." He gave me a sideways look as he sat down on the pelt. I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out at him.

He tossed me a gelfruit bar, chewing on one himself. He took a bite or two and then crinkled his nose at me. "Why do we like these again?" I opened my mouth to explain that it was full of nutrients and would give us lots of energy, but he continued before I got a chance. "We should probably send word back to the Commanders." I nodded, chewing the bar. He was right; they were not very appetizing.

As he got up to call in, I moved to the corner, where the sounds of the fire crackling and the villagers murmuring in their sleep were slightly quieter. Crossing my legs, I focused on breathing in a circle. In through my mouth, and out through my nose. Relaxing my muscles, I let the force wash away all of the thoughts in my mind, letting myself go. The tension on my body died away as the force took the stress of war away from me.

I surrendered myself to the light, letting it fill me up, but also becoming a part of it. The sounds died away in the background as I lost touch with my body, seeming to float in the reverie that was the light. At some point, I noticed that Anakin was there too, and I opened up my shields.

The force flowed through me and through our bond, and I relaxed, knowing that all was well. For now, at least, I knew all was well. There was something so serene about that peace, but it didn't last. I felt myself being called back to the noisy clamor of reality, and I opened an eye.

I jumped- Anakin was right in front of my face. He snickered, rolling backward as I slapped his leg. "Anakin, really, do you have to scare me out of my skin every time I meditate? you're going to give me a heart attack soon." Anakin made a mockingly serious face. "I am truly very sorry, master. It shall not happen again."

I sneezed and rolled my eyes, speaking with a sarcastic tone. "That's very reassuring. Also, quit calling me Master, you're not my Padawan anymore, and I know you don't mean it respectfully. Makes me feel old." He made a face, and I heard his loud thought: 'but you are,' Which earned him a glare from me. "Anakin! If you're going to insult me in your mind, at least keep your shields up. Honestly, have I taught you nothing?"

He made a dramatic shocked face, placing a hand on his chest, but he laughed eventually. "I'm only joking, master. You were meant to hear that. But really, you have taught me more than I can honestly comprehend. That's why sometimes you lectures go in one ear..." He trailed off, ducking as I chucked the remainder of my gelfruit bar at his head.

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