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Anakin carried Ahsoka all the way to the medical bay, shifting her in his arms every so often to make sure she was comfortable. I almost reminded him that she was unconscious and it wouldn't matter, but this small gesture seemed to make him feel better.

The light shone in from the windows lining the temple halls, and I shivered. I was still barefoot, and didn't have a tunic on. Even though my cloak was very warm, I was used to more layers, so I used a tiny bit of the force to enhance my warmth. The temple was somewhat eerie at night- its hallways were dark, the blueish light shining in the windows cast a chilling glow across the marble floors, and the silence in the force only added to the effect.

We reached the medical bay, and Kix ushered us into a small room with a cot and two chairs. Anakin shifted Ahsoka to one arm, peeled back the covers, and placed her gently onto the bed, trying to arrange the pillows so that she would be comfortable. He fussed over her for so long that I finally had to grab his shoulders and pull him backwards, trying to get my stubborn padawan sit down in the chair and let her rest.

"She's going to be ok, Anakin. Leave her be." I tugged at him again, and he finally sat down, his eyes looking quite tired as he rubbed his face with his hands, ran them through his hair, and leaned back. He looked relaxed, outwardly, but through our bond and his loose shields I sensed his anxiety and fear. With a sigh, I dragged a chair over to sit beside him, and we remained there, silently watching the monitor which reminded us Ahsoka was alive.

Several moments passed in silence. Ahsoka didn't stir, and Neither of us looked away from her. We seemed to be hyper-focused, so when Kix entered, we jumped- an uncommon thing for Jedi.

The clone walked in with a medical droid or two in tow, evaluated her, walked out, came back, typed on his holo-pad, and walked out again. This continued for a while and I could sense Anakin's irritation and anxiety, even with my shields up.

"Kix, any news?"

Preferably good news? I wanted to add. The clone turned around, and leaned back against the side of Ahsoka's bed, wiping sleep from his eyes. "Sir, she appears to be in some sort of.. trance? Its not a coma, but she is more than asleep. I ran all of her vitals and I can confidently say that she is not in danger physically, unless this has to do with the force, or something." The clone's eyebrows scrunched together.

"I doubt it though, because I have seen the results of incidents with the force before. The force usually either hinders mental activity, or spikes it. She seems to be very normal, so for now she is fine."

Anakin visibly relaxed beside me, and I shot him a warm smile, placing my hand on his upper arm again. "See, she's going to be alright. You did well, Anakin, and Kix will take good care of her. Don't worry." After inhaling an unsteady breath, he turned his attention to Kix.

"Thank you, Kix. Unless you have things to do for her, you should go back to sleep. You can expect a nice meal tomorrow morning- Obi-Wan will cook it himself!" I wanted to chastise Anakin for offering my services, but remembered what we had to thank Kix for. I smiled my agreement, and the clone nodded appreciatively before heading blearily from the room.

It was things like this that made me resent mortality. You see, I had lost so many people already: my Master, Qui Gon- died in my arms. Satine, my first love- died in my arms. I had watched so many of my men die at my expense. I simply had to question myself: what was the point? Why does life exist, if only to cease to exist again?

I fell to this dangerous set of thoughts quite often, and tonight I stopped myself before I could lose faith in everything again.

Instead, I began to dread the deaths of all of my friends who were still living. I looked out the window, and saw hundreds of clones dining in the mess hall beneath us. I hated myself and the order for what we made them do, what we made them sacrifice. I then turned my attention to the padawan in front of me. She was so young, and it was not even the first, second, third, or tenth time that I had seen her in a life-threatening condition.

Finally, I gazed upon my own ex padawan.

He was living a dangerous life too, and could very well die any day. The terrible thoughts and images that this though brought to mind pulled tears from my eyes. I reached over, and tapped his arm. He blinked, and looked at me. "Anakin..." I whispered.


I squeezed his arm. "Please, be safe."

He frowned. "I'm not in any danger, Master."

I nodded. "Yes you are."

He frowned more. "I am?"

I nodded again, trying to wipe the desperate look from my face. "Every day. You are a jedi."

He finally understood me, and he smiled oddly. "I know. But I'll be alright. Don't you worry, Obi."

I tried to smile, and he reached over, patting my shoulder. "I promise, Obi. I'll be ok. and so will you."

His arm dropped as i sighed, and we returned our attention to Ahsoka's breathing.

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