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When morning came, my eyes opened slowly. Blinking my eyes, I yawned as my body began to wake up and noticed that someone- a very warm, muscled someone- was sleeping very close to me. I flipped around quickly and nearly smashed my head against Anakin's shoulder.

'Kriff, what did I do?' I strained my mind, my heart rate skyrocketing, trying to figure out what had happened the night before, and then I looked at his sleeping face, which calmed me somewhat. I stared at him for a moment, and the reason why he had wrapped his arms around me returned, along with some very welcome relief. For a moment, I thought I had done something very stupid.

Sighing softly, I flipped myself around again and leaned back into him, his heartbeat resonating against my neck, one hand resting on my stomach, and his head resting against the top of mine. 'Savor this, Obi-Wan. You will not get any more.' I thought to myself.

We lay in silence for a bit until his arms squeezed around me a bit tighter as he lifted his head. He was awake. After a yawn and what I assume was a moment to remember where he was, he plopped his head back down with an annoyed sigh.

"Morning." He grumbled, before sitting up and pulling his undershirt on. Closing my eyes, I resisted the urge to pull him back down, to wrap him around me again.

"Good morning, Anakin." I wiped the stupid grin off my face before standing up and pulling on the many layers of my tunic. Looking for my belt, I turned around and saw that he was standing, staring straight downwards at the pelt with an odd expression on his face. I stepped towards him. "Is there something the matter? I know that face." His gaze rose to meet mine, and his smirk returned. "Nothing. I'm still waking up." Nodding, I smiled slightly at him.

Later, we stood in front of the villagers and told them that we would be back to check on them within a week. Anakin supplied them with an emergency commlink, and we mounted our Tauntauns. Waving, the villagers cheered for us as we set off again to the base.

The mission had gone well, and I could sense pride coming from my former Padwan. Kicking my Tauntaun to catch up with him, I opened my mouth to remind him not to be arrogant, but different words came from my mouth. "Anakin, I am proud of how you conducted yourself during this mission. You did very well." I frowned at myself.

'What the force was that? I was going to scold him...' But when a brilliant grin graced his face at my words, I found that I didn't much mind.

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