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As my body began to wake me up, my eyelids slid open, blinking once, twice, a third time as my pupils dilated and expanded, adjusting to the morning light streaming in from my window. Yawning, I rotated my ankles, tilted my head forward to stretch out the back of my neck, clenched and unclenched my hands where they lay out in front of me. As the general feeling returned to my body, so did a general awareness of exactly where I was.

This was when I noticed the soft breaths which played across the back of my neck; when I noticed the hands which held me close to a warm, shirtless body; when I noticed that I had intertwined my ankles with another pair; when I noticed that someone had pressed their hips up against my lower back-

This was when I remembered Anakin.

My eyes were open now, and my body heated instantly with the memory of the night before. Yawning again, I moved my hands to rest on his wrists, pulling them off me so that I could flip around and face the sleeping Jedi behind me. As I did this, I stretched out my back, allowing my eyes to wander up and down his torso, admiring the muscles which I already knew he had. My gaze lifted to meet his face, and I smiled, despite the alarm steadily growing in the back of my mind.


Grumbling, he wrapped his arms back around my waist, pulling my hips up against his. Pale skin flushing, I scooted back, bringing a hand up to rest on his shoulder, shaking him slightly.


He slept on, and I shook him more vigorously this time. To my dismay, his hands reached up, grabbing my wrists and pushing me to where I lay on my back, his body rolling over on top of mine. He wasn't heavy, I knew this, but I still made a noise of surprise. He nestled his head into the crook between my neck and shoulder, his hands resting loosely on my wrists, mumbling incoherently into my blushing skin.


When this received absolutely no reaction, I huffed, throwing my head back onto the pillow in frustration. He's still such a youngling. Resignedly, I waited a moment before I pulled my hands from beneath his, placing them on the sides of his head, tilting it upwards so that I could meet his lips with mine. After a moment, he spoke into my mouth.

"Mmph- good morning, Master~."

He was undoubtedly awake now. Kissing me back softly, one hand moved to prop himself up, the other tracing my skin with a chilled finger as his lips grew more confident. He tugged at my bottom lip, and I pulled away from him, my cheeks flaming. After a moment, I coughed, and tentatively kissed him again. This morning, the tired confidence of the night before was gone, and I had grown increasingly aware of the way his hips were still pressed up against my body.


Aggravatedly, he pulled back, scowling at me. "What, master? Can't you see I'm busy?" He continued kissing my neck, and I sighed at him. "You have to go." I ran my hand through his curls, prodding at his shoulders. He only hummed into my skin in response, and a shiver ran down my spine. He delivered a muffled 'why' into my neck, and I rolled my eyes. "Because there are things to be done." He said something that sounded vaguely like 'you' into my neck, and I nearly stopped breathing.

Well, there's that...

Sighing, I shook off this thought and pushed at his shoulders. "No, I have a meeting. You have a Padawan. She's likely been released from the Med Bay, and she's probably looking for you. We both have places to be, and the council expects me soon." Grumbling, he pressed kisses up my neck, along the underside of my jaw, then finally back on my lips before he pulled away, mumbling something about owing him bacta salve as he sat up, stretching out his muscles.

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