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Mature themes in this chapter, AKA smut, my first time writing it so cringe alert! You can skip this chapter if you're not comfortable with it, you won't miss anything vital to the plot. So, enjoy the smut my nasty loves and don't judge too hard, I'm still learning to write the sexy stuff lol.

"Where are you taking me?" Aurelie giggled, stumbling over her feet slightly as she allowed Jax to hold her hand and guide her to wherever he was taking her. Jax smiled at his girlfriend, bringing the top of her hand towards his lips for a kiss.

"It's a surprise." He replied and Aurelie felt her cheeks warm up as the cold wind of the New York night whistled past her ears. 

"I'm blind, cherie, everything is a surprise to me." She joked and Jax  threw his head back, chortling at her attempt at a joke. He remembered when he had first met her, how he never knew how to react to her jokes but now, she never failed to make him laugh. 

"We're almost there." Jax assured and true to his word they had soon arrived at their destination, a pergola set up in a beautiful and isolated botanical garden, the darkness of the night ushered away by small garden lights scattered around the place, not that that made a difference to Aurelie but it was definitely beneficial to Jax. "We're here!" Jax announced proudly and Aurelie snorted before saying;

"Where's here?" 

"Oh right." Jax wanted to slap himself for his stupidity. "Well, I've set up a pergola in the middle of a beautiful botanical garden, it's dark, the sky almost pitch black but  interrupted by the brightness of several stars." Jax stopped talking, leading Aurelie further towards the pergola. She squeezed his arm, leaning her head on his shoulder. 

"Go on, tell me more." She whispered and Jax smiled, heart hammering loudly against his chest, the nervousness and butterfly effect he had since the day his eyes first fell upon the beauty that was Aurelie Blondeau having still not faded away and he wasn't sure if it ever would. 

"There are little garden lights everywhere, illuminating the unique and delicate details of each flower, giving it its personality. This tulip, for example, " He bent down in a squatted position, guiding Aurelie to do the same before leading her hand over the flower. "It's red, a feisty and fierce colour, kind of like you and there's a garden light placed right under it, accentuating the colour, causing it to steal the attention away from all the others flowers." Aurelie hummed in pleasure as her hands grazed over the softness of the tulip's petals. She then leaned forward, bringing her nose to the petal, smiling as she inhaled its delightful scent. 

"It sounds beautiful." Aurelie said as Jax got up, guiding her to their table in the pergola after linking his arm through hers. Jax smiled, eyes sparkling, and cheeks hot with happiness and content, he could experience a million moments like this with her, and he was sure he'd never grow bored. 

"We're walking on a stone pathway towards the pergola." Aurelie nodded, feeling the uneven surface beneath her feet. " And this is your seat." He unlinked their arms, pushing her seat back before putting a hand on her back, gently pushing her to her seat. He quickly rushed over to his seat, touching her hand to let her know that he was seated. 

"What's on the menu chef?" Aurelie asked with a giggle, the mouth-watering and savory smell of food filling her nostrils. 

"Well, mademoiselle, tonight, for ze main course we have ze steak with ze potato et vegetables, your favourite." Jax replied, saying his words with a terrible impersonation of a French accent. "And on ze side we have a glass of, uhm, how do you say wat- l'eau et your favorite wine, Rosé. And lastly for desert we have Ben et Jerry cookie dough ice cream, your favourite as well." Aurelie guffawed at his impersonation, her cute, hearty laugh, filling the isolated garden, and Jax looked at her with fond expression, a grin on his face as he decided in that moment that he certain of the fact that he was completely and hopelessly in love with Aurelie Blondeau. 

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