Twenty Two

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"What do you want us to do with him?" Zayn asked, bringing a cigarette to his lips as he stared at the blonde man laying unconscious in his bed. He made sure the man lay unconscious and moving before sitting down on the grey couch in the small, studio apartment. 

"Just keep him down. You have his phone unlocked right?"

"Yeah, Niall hacked into it." 

"Ok good, I'll send you a message when to a send a text. After that, keep him down for about three more hours, make sure he never wakes up and then you can leave. By then, if he wakes up, it'll be late and he'll just be confused, think he was drunk or sick, I don't fucking know but he'll be out of it and won't remember a thing. "

"Alright," Zayn responded with a bored expression, taking another dragging of his cigarette, wishing he was with Rose, cuddled up in bed laughing at an episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel- Air instead of doing yet another favour for Harry. 

"Oh and Zayn?" Harry rushed out quickly before Zayn had the chance to end the call. "Thank you, I love you and I can never thank you enough for doing this for me." Zayn immediately felt his lips tug up into a smile, cheeks turning pink with heat.

"It's nothing, I love you too man, now go seduce Aurelie." He said before ending the call, mood instantly made better by Harry's words of gratitude, words he didn't hear often despite all he did for his friend. Suddenly, he felt a presence flop down next to him, coughing in an exaggerated manner at Zayn's cigarette smoke. Zayn laughed rolling his eyes, knowing only one person who acted like that whenever he smoked. 

"Ok cut the dramatics Nialler, what do you want?" He asked, taking one last drag of the cigarette before pressing it into the small brown coffee table in front of them, turning the spot black. 

"Smoking is bad you know, you'll die from it." Niall remarked with wide eyes, nodding his head adamantly, that child-like innocence that Zayn adored evident in his expression. 

"Niall, " He laughed, throwing his head back slightly. "With the kind of work we do, I'm more likely to die from a gun shot wound than I am from a cigarette." Niall frowned, he didn't think the statement was very funny and he didn't really know why Zayn was laughing as if it was, the two other men in the room were laughing as well, causing Niall to frown even more because what was funny about possibly dying? He was about to open his mouth and tell Zayn how he didn't want him to die when his eyes flickered to a picture on the coffee table, distracted, he grabbed the picture and laughed. 

"Hey, he looks me!" He remarked excitedly and Zayn chuckled, grabbing the picture from his hand. 

"God, Nialler, give yourself more credit. You look nothing like this man, you're hot as shit and this guy is just, I don't know, boring, not hot not ugly just boring." 

"I don't know man, he's kind of hot. I'd do him." One of the men, Laurens said, leaning over Zayn to see the picture. 

"Ok, he's not bad looking, I'll give him that but our Nialler here is much hotter, we can all agree on that right?" Zayn pointed, Laurens and Matthew, the other guy in the room, nodded in agreement and Niall blushed so deeply, his entire face was red. 

"Hot like pretty right?" Niall asked innocently and Zayn nodded with a fond smile. 

"Not just pretty, Niall, beautiful." Niall blushed even more and giggled shyly. 

"God why is he so adorable?" Laurens groaned, "You shouldn't be here, I feel bad just swearing around you." Zayn couldn't help but nod in agreement. 

"But I want to be here." Niall pouted with his arms crossed before his eyes sparked in curiosity. "Why are we here?  Does he owe you money?" He asked, pointing to the unconscious man on the bed. "He doesn't look like he has a lot of money." He pointed out as his eyes scanned the small, shoe box apartment, a luxury in a place like New York. 

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