Twenty Seven

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"Alright guys, your midterms are finally here. We've been preparing months for this so I'm quite confident you'll all succeed. You already know what to expect, the next two hours will be used to read the braille article in front of you, then, after a break, you'll be guided into different rooms for an oral assessment on the piece you read. Each piece is different, so don't even bother discussing with your friends during the break." Aurelie finished handing out the thick pages in her hands, the different points and patterns protruding from the paper. As she placed the last pages on Jasper's desk, she felt his hand lightly pull on the fabric of her skirt, trying to grab her attention without drawing attention to himself. 

"Yes Jasper." Aurelie asked softly, squatting down slightly to be closer. 

"I'm scared Miss Blondeau, I've been practicing for weeks but what if I misunderstand something or miss a pattern then it won't make sense to me and then I won't understand the story which means I'll fail the oral assessment an-" Aurelie felt the table for his hand before gently holding it, running comforting circles in his palm.

"Mon doux garçon, mon chéri, you will do amazing, I'm sure of it. Remember we went over the braille version of To Kill A Mockingbird? You read that all on your own, I barely needed to correct you and that book is reserved for advanced level braille. Jasper, you'll do great, have a little faith in yourself. " Aurelie pressed a chaste kiss to his hand before standing up, the little boy smiling slightly at the comfort he was given.  Although he had never seen Aurelie's face before, and unfortunately he never would, Jasper was sure she was beautiful, kind-looking and graceful, her serene voice gave that away and he was incredibly grateful to have her in his life, even if it was for just a few hours a week. 

"Ok, guys, you may commence your reading, " She waited several seconds for the clock to chime before finishing her sentence. "Now." As the class worked on their exam, Aurelie sat her desk in the front of the class, getting round to finally finishing Game of Thrones, although it was still the first book in the series so she still had quite a bit to get through. 

About an hour into the exam, Alexander, one of the few in Aurelie's braille class that was seeing, broke his concentrated trance, stretching his fingers slightly, relieving them of some tension. As he did so, he looked towards the door to see his history teacher, Mr. Harper,  otherwise known as Jax, standing nervously. 

"Uhm, Miss Blondeau?" Alexander spoke up, glancing at Jax who was yet to notice him. Aurelie looked up, her pale white eyes, staring in his general direction, acknowledging him but not seeing him. She stood up, counting her steps before stopping exactly in front of his desk.

"What is it Alex? You know I can't help you nor should you be speaking right now, it's an exam."

"I know Miss Blondeau, I just wanted to let you know that Mr. Harper is standing by the door." Aurelie frowned for a second before smiling gently, patting Alex's back before telling him to get back to work. 

Jax watched with a slightly nervous fidget as Aurelie approached him, stepping out into the hallway so as not to disturb her students.

"Hello," Jax murmured, scratching the back of his head as he looked up at his girlfriend. It had been two days since the fight and apart from a few hellos and texts goodnight, they hadn't properly talked.  Much to his surprise, Aurelie stepped forward to wrap her arms around his waist, head against his chest, as she listened to the increase in his heart beat. 

"I missed you." She muttered, causing Jax to smile slightly as they pulled apart. 

"I missed you too and I'm sorry to interrupt the exam like this but I just had to see you, apologize for standing you up and telling you what to do. I'm sorry for everything and I've decided that although I have my reservations about him, I trust you and your judgement and if you trust Harry, then that's all that matters." Jax said with  a sigh and for a moment Aurelie didn't say anything  until eventually her lips were on his, the couple only separating at the sound of the school bell. 

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