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"Jasper, this is the third time this month that you've failed to do your reading assignment. Is there something wrong? Something that you need help with?" Aurelie carefully stood next to the desk at which the young boy was seated, she carefully crouched down, feeling the desk for his hand and carefully touching it, in a manner that was respectful and still stood within the boundaries of a teacher-student relationship, touch was important for the both them, seeing as they both were visually impaired, it was the best way to ensure either of them knew they were there and that they were being listened to, even if they couldn't see each other. 

"I'm sorry Miss Blondeau, I wanted to do it I swear. It's just been hard." Jasper sighed sadly, his eyes staring blankly ahead, seeing nothing but darkness but still comforted by the warm touch of his teacher, who he knew cared. 

"What's been hard, cherié ?" Aurelie's knees were hurting from her crouched position, however her concern for the boy overcame it and she was eager to get to the bottom of his  unusually quiet and reserved behaviour. 

"I don't know, Papa and Mama have been fighting a lot lately and he's always at work now and my sister came home recently and she won't stop crying, it's driving me crazy. I feel like something happened that everyone knows but me, if I could see then I would have figured it out by now. "Jasper let out, gripping onto Aurelie's hand tightly, yearning for the comfort he was so clearly lacking. "And the reading is actually difficult, the patterns are too complicated and I always get confused."

"Well," Aurelie sighed, processing everything the boy had told her in the last five minutes. "Whatever is happening with your parents, is probably affecting your sister the same way it's affecting you, except she's just reacting differently to it than you. You're just going have to be there for her because I'm pretty sure she would like some comfort and clarity like you do. And, I'm only your teacher so I can't meddle too much in your parents' business but whatever it is, I'm sure it'll work out and if it doesn't, my door is always open for you to come talk to me ok?" Jasper sighed again, tapping the table three times which was his way of saying yes or that he understood, just like anyone else in this situation would have nodded his or her head. "As for your reading, Jasper, it's only going to get harder and the patterns will only get more confusing if you don't at least try. Promise me you'll try and next week I'll go over it again with you, alright?" Again, Jasper tapped the table three times this time with more excitement and as Aurelie stood up, stretching her legs after being crouched down for so long, she could hear Jasper chatter happily with his friends, resembling his usual self. Aurelie smiled in satisfaction, turning to make the few steps from Jasper's desk to her own at the front and just as she sat down she heard the bell ring, it's sound echoing throughout the room. 

"Alright, mes chers, don't forget to do the reading this weekend, the patterns will only get harder from here so just concentrate ok? You all got this, I know you do. Have a great weekend everyone!" A chorus of goodbyes were heard after that and Aurelie beamed as she listened intently to the sound of shuffling feet as the students eagerly walked out the class room, ready for the weekend. When the door closed, she sighed in content, another good week behind her, and began packing her bag, ready to go home herself. She heard the door open and the all to familiar smell of Jax's musky aftershave occupied her nostrils and a shy smile fell on her lips. She squealed a little when she felt his strong arms wrap around her waist, his face in the crook of her neck, planting gentle kisses on it.

"I missed you." He whispered in her ear and she laughed, shrugging him off of her as she reached on to her desk for her bag, feeling the piece of wood several times before eventually finding the leather tote she was looking for.

"We saw each other an hour ago dummy." She teased, carefully making her way out the class to the dog day care to the school's dog day care to pick up Rusco, Jax following along behind her.

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