Twenty Five

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Harry woke up in a glorious mood the next morning, everything was going great, he and Aurelie were getting closer, business was going good, Bacchini finally had his wits about and was smart enough to back off, Zayn was no longer brooding and in a constant state of displeasure, everything was as it needed to be and Harry, Harry honestly couldn't be happier. He had a new-found excitement to life that he hadn't had before and he wanted to bask in the feeling forever. 

He went about his morning, brushing his teeth, showering and getting dressed with a skip in his step and the corridors echoed a cheerful whistle as waltzed into the kitchen. He stopped abruptly, the sight of Rose sitting at the kitchen Island, in Zayn's shirt, the cloth large and managing to cover up her smaller frame. He stared at her in pure disgust, rolling his eyes when she quietly greeted him, still slightly traumatized from the way Harry had choked her last time. Something she hadn't told Zayn because she knew Zayn would react with anger and as much as she hated Harry, she knew how important their relationship was and so she stayed silent to avoid conflict between them.

"I'm having a great morning, not even you could ruin it." Harry said haughtily, practically turning up his nose at her as he turned away from her towards the fridge, grabbing some juice and then a glass before going to sit at the kitchen island, grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl. He ate quietly, completely ignoring Rose's presence, who was shifting uncomfortably in her seat, eating as quickly as possible so she could leave the tense and awkward environment. Harry grinned to himself as he ate, thinking of Aurelie's squeals of victory when she won Monopoly yesterday and the way she had fallen asleep so comfortably on his shoulder, like she belonged there. He could get used to that. 

Zayn walked in, shirtless, tattoos on display as he wore a pair of basketball shorts, Harry's basketball short's, that hung loosely on his hips. He still looked half-asleep, yawning as he trudged into the kitchen, his knuckles rubbing his tired eyes. Both Rose and Harry couldn't resist the urge to gawk.

"Looking good Z." Harry joked, earning a middle finger from Zayn as he went and wrapped his arms around Rose's seated figure, Zayn lovingly kissing the top of her head as he asked her how she had slept. Harry watched on with slightly jealous eyes before he ultimately decided to head out for the day before it was ruined by their overbearing public display of affection. 

"Where are you going?" Zayn's hoarse morning voice called and Harry sent him a cheeky grin.

"Off to see my therapist." He said simply before walking out the kitchen, hands in his pockets as he whistled, leaving behind Zayn and Rose who looked at each other with confused expressions.

"Did he just say therapist?"


"And what's this for?" 

"They're little toys my patients fiddle with to relieve stress."

"Can I play with them?"

"No, darling you're not my patient." Louis returned his attention to his laptop where he was finishing one of his many patients reports that were long past due. It had been hectic for him, working full time while also single-handedly taking care of his son, it wasn't something he wanted to call difficult, as he could never see taking care of his boy as a chore but, the pressure and lack of free time was starting to tress him out a bit, he loved his little boy with all his heart, he wanted nothing but the best for him and it hurt him that he was forced to bring him here, to his boring office while he worked, but he had no choice, there was no one else who could take care of him. 

Liam was sat on the couch opposite his father's desk, legs swinging back and forth as he pouted, staring at the stress-relief toy that was displayed on the center-table.

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