Thirty Four

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Harry sat up, startled awake by a nightmare, clothes sticking to his sweaty body, his unruly hair matted against his forehead. He breathed heavily, the abruptness of his actions causing Zayn to stir next to him. 

"Haz?" His raspy, sleep-filled voice spoke as he sat up, rubbing his tired eyes with his index finger. It had been several days since Harry had encountered Francis and the memory of that night still haunted him. He could still feel his blood on his skin, the pain in his eyes and for the first time it scared Harry. In those days Harry had become incredibly clingy, unable to be without Zayn. Zayn had only realized the severity of the situation when one time he needed the bathroom and Harry had asked him if he would come back. 

"Go back to sleep Z, it's fine I'll just go get a glass of water." Harry whispered, knowing that he had already kept Zayn up most nights by refusing to sleep in his own room and then waking up like this in the middle of the night when the pained, lifeless eyes of Francis Chester plagued his dreams. Zayn looked at him hesitantly, but he was so tired, especially now that he was covering for Harry back at the warehouse which meant dealing with the new attacks and raids by Bacchini that he was yet to tell Harry about. And so he nodded his head, allowing it to fall back against his pillow as he slipped back into a deep sleep moments later. Harry watched him with a smile recalling how Zayn used to always get in trouble for oversleeping in the orphanage and Harry would cover for him by saying he was in the bathroom when in reality he was still in bed. 

He flicked on the lights in a kitchen, sighing as he grabbed a glass of water and sat by kitchen island, slowly sipping the cool liquid. His phone rang and he answered without checking the called ID

"Harry?" A soft voice rang through the phone and Harry bit back a groan, he had been avoiding her since he got back. He still needed some time to recover from her rejection and accept the fact that he will never be with her romantically. 

"Yeah it's me." He answered eventually. 

"Mon Dieu, I've been calling and texting you, I thought you were dead! Are you alright?"

"I'm good. Aurelie, I'm fine."

"Why did you disappear like that? Ignore all my texts and calls? Harry, I was so worried, I thought I did something to offend you."

"You didn't do anything Aurelie, I just needed some time for myself." Harry spoke running a hand through his hair. There was silence for a time before Aurelie spoke up again. 

"Uhm, d'accord. Since I've finally gotten you on the phone I suppose I should ask if you're still up for today."

"What's happening today?" Harry questioned with a frown. 

"You said you'd go with me to volunteer at an orphanage, we signed up together several weeks ago." Harry bit back a groan, he'd only agreed to that as a means of getting closer to her, now none of that mattered anymore. 


"It's fine Harry, if you can't make it. I don't mind we can always reschedule." She interrupted and although Harry wanted to take up her offer, his new-found guilty conscience pushed him to do otherwise. 

"It's alright, I'll be there, text me the address and I'll come pick you up. "


Harry sat in his car for what felt like hours but was only minutes before finally stepping out, approaching her door to ring the doorbell. 

"Harry!" Aurelie exclaimed as soon as she opened the door, hands blindly feeling the air until she touched him before she allowed herself to hug him tightly. "Don't you ever fucking do that again." She whispered and Harry felt his stomach churn, heart fill up with longing and desperation for her love. 

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