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"Just come for dinner tonight, they're very excited to meet you." Jax pleaded and Aurelie shook her head stubbornly.

"No, sorry I can't. It's just way too soon Jax. Give it some time, we're in no rush. I'll meet your parents eventually, just not yet."

"But, it's really not that big of a deal. My Mum is a sweetheart and my dad will love you." Jax whined, holding Aurelie's hand in his as he played with her fingers.

"I'm sure they're amazing but Jax, how would you feel if I told you to get on a plane right now and that we were going to visit my parents in France?" Jax faced paled at the thought, perhaps Aurelie had a point.

"Yeah, you're right. Maybe it is too soon." Jax agreed, kissing Aurelie's hands before getting up. Letting out a loud yawn as he stretched his muscles. Aurelie giggled as she reached out for her boyfriend's arm but instead accidentally grazed her hand against his crotch. Jax jerked backwards at her touch and looked around his classroom in fear, forgetting it was empty. "Christ, Aurelie, you can't do that while we're at work."

"I promise that was an accident." Aurelie laughed as she got up as well, feeling the table for support. She reached forward until she could feel Jax's chest and then pulled him closer, bringing her lips to his ear. "But perhaps when you come over on Friday, it won't be accident." With that she carefully walked towards the door with a cheeky smile. "Au-révoir." She called cheerfully before leaving, not realizing the effect she had on Jax. Aurelie's alluring and carnal nature was something that had definitely taken Jax by surprise when they started dating, and even still does. He didn't know why but he expected her to be very timid, shy, prudish even, when it came to the matters of the bedroom. But Aurelie proved to be anything but that, and Jax didn't mind that at all,in fact,Jax learned that he liked to have a woman in control. Especially someone as gorgeous as his girlfriend.


"Where are you?" Zayn demanded through the phone and Harry rolled his eyes as he stared at the large, white brick building in front of him.

"I went for a walk." He lied as he leaned on a street light, while he waited for her to arrive home from work.

"A walk my ass, you've been distant ever since you find out where she lived. Did you kidnap her or something?" Zayn didn't doubt that was something Harry would do and he was very worried. Despite the demands of his job and the friendship he had with Harry, Zayn had the biggest heart. He didn't like to see innocent people suffer but when it came to his and Harry's work, he knew how to harden his heart.

"No, I didn't kidnap her. I merely came to observe."

"Observe for what?" Zayn asked carefully, hoping that Harry had decided to just leave the poor girl alone. Truth be told, Harry hadn't intended to be here, in fact, after what happened last time, he swore to never come back here and make a fool of himself again and yet here he was, standing in front of her loft waiting for her, again. Going to The Pit with Zayn couple nights ago had definitely done him good, the blood and flesh against his fingers as packed punch after punch reminding him that no matter what, he was in control.

"Observe to see what I wanted to do with her." Harry replied, holding the phone between his chin and shoulder as he put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. He held the phone in his hand again as he blew out of puffs of smoke. On the other end of the phone, Zayn let out a sigh, knowing that when Harry set his mind to something, there was no changing it. A large part of him hoped that this girl would be the key to fixing Harry's dark mind, perhaps it wasn't an infatuation and he genuinely was interested in this girl. At least that's what Zayn hoped and allowed himself to foolishly believe.

"Ok, well be careful. You know Antonio Bacchini is still out to get you." Harry scoffed, rolling his eyes at Zayn words.

"Zayn please, the fucker Bacchini should be worried about me. I don't even know what his problem is, the fuck did I ever do to him?" He spat, throwing his cigarette to the ground and using his foot to press on it harshly. At that moment, he saw the silhouette of an approaching figure and smiled knowing it was her. Her damned dog began barking when it saw him and Harry rolled his eyes, fighting the urge to take out his gun and just shoot it.He abruptly ended the call, not even bothering to tell Zayn goodbye before putting his phone away.

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