Forty Three

371 21 1

Jax laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling as his alarm rang. He didn't even need it, he never even went to sleep to begin with. He couldn't believe it, well actually he could believe it as he had had  his supsicions all along, however he at most he thought Harry was some conman. Not a fucking criminal. He rolled over in bed to end his alarm, hesitating at the picture of himself and Aurelie that was still his lock screen. 

Too be honest, a part of him hoped that he head been wrong. After all, it's not like he wanted to see Aurelie in pain, even if it meant he wouldn't be with her. He realized that he'd be rather be known as a jealous jerk than have the responsibility of breaking her heart with this information. However he couldn't think of that now, Aurelie had to know. It wasn't even about them anymore or getting back together, it was about her safety. The person Jax had seen in that ring was a demon, a fucking monster and the thought of Harry being anywhere near Aurelie made his anxiety shoot through the roof. It was ironic how caring Jax was being seeing as Aurelie hadn't thought of his feelings when she was busy swapping saliva with Harry while they were still in a relationship mind you. But Jax wasn't a petty man, and at the end of the day, Aurelie had come clean as soon as it happened. It sucked that it happened but it had happened, there was nothing Jax could do but accept it. 

Deciding to leave those thoughts behind and focus on the task at hand. He rushed to get ready and leave for work. The whole morning, as he taught, all he could do was look at the clock, anxious for the bell to ring signalling the end of the day. So much so, he kept getting his dates wrong and all his students kept correcting him. As soon as class ended he rushed towards her class room, pacing outside as waited for her.  

"Jax?" Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts and Jax looked at her, taken by surprise. By now he was used to Aurelie's excellent deduction skills so he wasn't suprised that she knew it was him but it was more shocked to actually see her in front of him. 

"Au-Aurelie, hey how are you?" He stammered and his ex-girlfriend shot him a small smile.

"I've been alright. Is there something you need? I have a class starting soon." 

"Yeah, uhm, can I talk to you inside your classroom for a bit?" He asked and Aurelie nodded reluctantly, the two walked in and Jax took a deep breath before starting. "Look Aurelie, I know Harry is a sensitive topic between us. But, I just need you to listen to me. Harry's not who you think he is, he'-"

"Jax please not this again, I really can't do this today." Aurelie couldn't help but interrupt, she was already tired and in a bad mood from the way things ended with Harry last time. The last thing she needed is Jax bringing out this speech again.

"No Aurelie, I'm not saying this to win you back or anything. I'm saying this because your life is in d-" Jax never got too finish as the bell rang and kids began to rush in. 

"Let's finish this another time ok Jax?" She said, slightly exasperated and Jax could do nothing but take several steps back, defeated. 


"Just stay here I have some errands to run." Harry told Calum and some of his other men. They were supposed to be going out to check stock at the port, however Harry's mind wasn't there at the moment and he asked the men for a detour. Harry parked the car a little further away from Louis' building, deciding he needed the walk to clear his head, not to mention the last thing he needed was the men seeing him walk into a mental health centre. 

Last night was a blur from him, he remembered being at Aurelie's at one moment then suddenly he was at The Pit, someone's blood splattered all over his face. He couldn't believe what he was about to admit but he realized that he quite desperately needed to talk to Louis. Without Zayn, Louis was the only one who could help him at this point. He hadn't spoken to Aurelie at all and the tons of missed call and messages showed their current lack of communication; God he loved her and wanted to be able to share everything with her but this, this was too big and would change everything they had between them. 

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