chapter six. remi-san

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"you like him, don't you?"

"no, i don't. end of story."

"so... it's okay if i..." she hesitated. you glanced at her and immediately confirmed your suspicions.

"remi.. there's nothing going on between sengoku and i and there never will be," you smiled warmly at her.

"b-but! i can tell...!" remi seemed very insistent on this matter, something you never thought she'd express. is she really putting you before herself?

"no, you can't." you said a bit stricter.

"well, if you don't like him," remi plotted. "then who do you like? you can't just be zoning off about nothing during the day."

"i-i can!" you replied stubbornly. would that seriously be the only way to convince her? to be crushing on someone else?

"i see..." she said. "you don't trust me...?"

"no, i do, i.." how would you dig yourself out of this hole? "i like..."

i'm gloomy and dark, aren't i? i'd think people'd try their hardest to avoid me.

"... miyamura-kun!"

you cringed a bit at the fact you blurted out the first name that came to mind. you reassured yourself that you could just say you fell out of love with him and avoid any extra complications with remi.

yeah. that's what you'd do. that way, she won't have to worry about you, and the rest of the school's assumptions would fade away with time.

you found your mouth's muscles slowly relaxing, the usual calm smile fading as well.

. . .

"(y/n), (y/n)," remi called excitedly. "guess what?"

you smiled tiredly. "what?"

"i reorganized our work so that you'd be helping out in class 3-1 from now on!"

"" your eyes widened. "class... 3-1..."

"miyamura-kun's class!" she exclaimed, catching the attention of a few bypassers. a specific one couldn't help but stop in his tracks.


and so, another lie unintentionally formed.

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