Chapter 14

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"Yoo Mi! Make sure you have everything ready at your house by 5pm! Soona is spending the day with her family so while you get everything decorated and ready at your place, I'll get the food and games!" Yeonhee says over the phone and I lazily nod and hum along since it was 6am and we were on our break since our second trimester just ended.

"Hey!! Are you listening?" Yeonhee yells and I respond with another hum. She laughs and repeats what she just told me then she hangs up. I tried to go back to sleep since I was having a really good dream, but Yeonhee's screaming already woke me up and now I'm wide awake. I thought I got up too early, but Yeonhee wakes up at around 4:30am for her part-time job. I just sighed and went on my phone for the next two hours, checking Sungchan's fansites and fanpages to check if there are any updates.

****: Sungchan is an Inkigayo MC now along with Treasure's Jihoon and IZ*ONE's Yujin!!

****: Sungchan's first ever solo photoshoot for Allure!

>>> ****: Sungchan is so handsome omg
>>> ****: He's tall, good-looking, can sing, rap, and dance... he's got it all
>>> ****: My dream man wow
>>> ****: His future partner is so lucky
>>> ****: Whoever it is... they're definitely just as gorgeous as Irene or Tzuyu
>>> ****: He just debuted and he's this popular... wow
>>> ****: He's so good-looking!!

I sighed and cleared all of my tabs that had Sungchan's name on them. Of course, I'm so happy that he's admired by the community and he has many fans, but I wish we could talk more. His schedule must be super busy and I hate myself so much for not understanding his situation. He doesn't even need to contact me, I just want to see him on the TV. I shouldn't care if he doesn't contact me, I should be more understanding now that two people who I love so much are idols (my brother and my boyfriend). I won't bother him anymore since I remember that I heard from some trainee classmates during high school that managers take their trainees'/idols' phones while they're at other schedules. I'll just contact him around 11pm tonight if I'm not wiped out from my friends.

Speaking of my friends, while I was thinking about Sungchan, I didn't notice Yeonhee's thousands and thousands of texts reminding me of what to do for Soona today. Before I answered Yeonhee's texts, I made sure that I said happy birthday to Soona first. She isn't the type to like long text messages, so I just said a simple "Happy birthday! I love you~" with a couple of heart emojis. She immediately texted me back to thank me and I was so excited to see her today. I wasn't sure on what to get her because every time Yeonhee and I ask she always tells us not to waste our money and buy her anything because she's just going to break it anyways. But Yeonhee and I came up with a couple of ideas together and we made the decision to make a bunch of stuff at a pottery place all three of us found together. I made Soona some shot glasses for her and her family since they like to collect them and Yeonhee made her a teapot with two matching tea cups. Although Soona is super clumsy, she loves pottery, which is why we love her so much.

After responding to all of Yeonhee's texts, I got up from bed and went to go take a shower and do my normal morning routine. I had a week of constant night shifts and I was finally on a break for another week, so I wanted to rest a little bit more. But at the same time, I had school and Soona's birthday party tonight, so I couldn't get the rest that I needed. All I want is for Sungchan to get good rest though. He's not the type to stay up past 1am but when he gets home really late, he likes to stay up sometimes. I've always worried about his health and I just want him to be healthy. I hope that he's doing just fine, I'll try to talk to him later if I need to.

I changed into a floral dress that Soona, Yeonhee, and I bought together one day that we were waiting for a day to wear them. Our plans for tonight are going to be amazing. First, we're going to have a picnic under the stars, then we're going back to my apartment and having a sleepover. It's really simple but that's just how we are. I couldn't stop looking at the dress in the mirror. I started remembering when Sungchan called me when I got back from the mall after buying this dress and he asked me to show him what I got. When I showed him this dress, he told me he wanted me to send pictures when I do wear it because he thinks I'll look beautiful. I never forget anything Sungchan says to me, so I took a couple of selfies and waited to send them later on. Then I went to go make myself a light and healthy breakfast. These days, I've been losing my appetite and I haven't been feeling my best, but hopefully today will make me feel better. I just hope Sungchan is taking care of himself not just physically, but mentally as well. I check my phone to see if I got anything and all I had were texts from Haechan.

Good morning!

How are you? I haven't seen you in a while, should we go out again?

Lol that sounded a little wrong... you know I don't mean it like that


I'm sorry. Not tonight.

That's fine! Just let me know :) Later

I sigh and start to decorate my apartment for our sleepover. My apartment is pretty big for a one-room apartment, but I made sure to make good use of all of the space that I have. Yeonhee and I bought the decorations when Soona was busy training for the week. Yeonhee, Soona, and I's schedules never work, but when they do, we try to utilize all of the time we have so that we don't miss any moment together. Yeonhee is struggling to get a full-time job and has more than three part-time jobs that are either way early in the morning or late after school. Soona is always training and practicing taekwondo, she's always at the studio or at the gym, exercising. She also has a full-time job at her studio too, so that's why she's always there. And for me, I have my full-time job that can last for hours and hours. I never know when they're going to call me in for a shift, but luckily, I have a week off and they promised not to call me even if they're missing someone. I've worked a lot and everyone, including my boss, wanted to give me a break. Luckily, Soona got to take a break from her training and job for her birthday and Yeonhee is also on a break because of how much she's working.

When I finished decorating, I made sure to send Yeonhee a picture just to make sure everything was perfect. She loved it and told me that we should leave now and get to the picnic location before Soona and I agreed, packing all of my stuff and heading out of my apartment and going to my car. I picked Yeonhee up from her apartment and we went to our picnic at the Han River. Soona's family home is a five minute walk from here, so it all works out perfectly. Yeonhee and I set up the blanket and the food and all we had to do was wait for Soona. Another thing the three of us have in common is that we don't drink. It might be the fact that the legal drinking age in Korea is 20 years old (and we're all 19), but none of us have showed an interest in drinking at all. Many high school students drink underage but since the three of us never had a positive high school experience, we just hated drinking in general. Once Soona arrived, we immediately jumped up and formed a group hug.

"Happy birthday, Soona!" Yeonhee and I yell at the same time and Soona laughs and thanks us. We let go of the hug and sit down, taking a picture of everything for the memories.

We spent about two hours at the Han River just eating and laughing, talking about whatever was on our minds. To be honest, I wanted to be honest with them and tell them about how I'm dating Sungchan, but I don't want to tell them anything without him knowing. When we finished eating, we cleaned up and then I brought them back to my apartment to start the sleepover. We changed into our pajamas and did our individual but shortened night time routines and now we're just watching a bunch of movies and idol stages and talking about our lives again until we got tired and fell asleep. Yeonhee and Soona fell asleep way before me since I was getting many texts from Haechan, but none from Sungchan, so I just went to sleep. I'm too tired to deal with Haechan right now, if it were Sungchan, I would respond immediately.


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