Chapter 18

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"Haechan hyung." I smile at Haechan, who's standing in front of me. We were at an abandoned park and I invited him here to talk about Miyoung and Sungchan's breakup. I told Sungchan to hide just in case I lose my cool and beat him up, so Sungchan was also here but Haechan didn't know.

"Mingyeom! I missed you. Sorry I haven't talked to you in a while." Haechan smiles and I nod, clenching my fists. He's really trying to act all innocent. He's acting as if he didn't separate my sister from the love of her life, as if he didn't tear Sungchan away from the girl who he loves with his whole heart.

"How are you?" I ask, smiling again and Haechan pats my back as he sits down next to me.

"I'm good. Is Miyoung alright? She hasn't been talking to me and I'm scared that if I talk to her she'll block me." He says and I nod.

"Why do you care so much about my sister?" I ask and Haechan is obviously shocked at my sudden question but laughs it off.

"Oh! I didn't mean to sound rude it's just that I haven't seen her since Sungchan introduce her to us and I was just wondering since he hasn't been talking about her either." He responds and I almost laugh. It's so obvious that he's lying but he doesn't want to admit it because I'm her brother and he doesn't want to confess that he likes her. He also doesn't want to tell me that he's actually been taking away Miyoung from Sungchan.

Back then, when Miyoung was being bullied, I was worried that I was never going to see her again. The reason why I'm so attached to Miyoung and why I'm so protective over her even though I'm younger is because anyone who loses their sibling would go crazy. I've always been a shy kid but Miyoung opened me up to the world and encouraged me to become a trainee. She fought for me when I needed her to and she always defended me. Our parents were against me being an idol and wanted me to be a lawyer like them instead but Miyoung convinced them that they should let me do whatever I want. At my first lesson at the academy Sungchan and I went to, I didn't get along with anyone since I was new and I wasn't as good as I am now. They all made fun of me and I would always come home in a bad mood because I wasn't as good as everyone else. But Miyoung always asked me if I was alright and she let me rant to her about my feelings. She's seen me cry too many times and she was always there to comfort me. I felt so lucky to have Miyoung as my older sister especially since she's so sweet and caring to me when she's the one who's had it worse than me. I wish I could repay Miyoung for everything that she's done for me, which is why I'm always my willing to protect her.

She started getting more attention for her looks when we moved to Seoul. I still was in middle school and she was in her first year of high school, so I had no idea what she was going through. I'm two years younger than her so when she was in her third year, I was still in my first. But I'm glad I was able to be with her for a year and protect her because the guys at school were dogs and they didn't care about anything but Miyoung's looks. I hated the fact that the guys at school liked Miyoung for her looks and I knew she hated it too. So I knew that when she introduced me to Sungchan, he was the right one for her. Sungchan is handsome, tall, a great rapper and dancer, and is the funniest guy I've met. He was my first friend at the academy and I used to look up to him as my role model. I trusted Miyoung's thinking and I was right, Sungchan is the best man for her. Sungchan and Miyoung are made for each other. Miyoung would nonstop gush about how much she likes Sungchan and that she's so grateful that he sees her beyond her looks. Once she told me that, I knew Sungchan was the right one for her. And I know Haechan isn't. I stood up in front of Haechan and he stood up too, still smiling at me.

"Haechan, I hope you don't think I'm disrespectful, but do you think I'm an idiot?" I ask and Haechan's eyes widen.

"What do you mean? Of course not!" Haechan lets out a small laugh and I do too, thinking about how stupid he must think I am for him to lie directly to my face.

"I'm not gonna waste any more time. I know you're in love with my sister." I blurt out and Haechan's eyes widen again and he looks away from me, coughing.

"How... how did you find out?" He asks and I scoff, clenching my fists.

"You broke up Miyoung and Sungchan, you know that right?" I ask and Haechan looks at me confused. I step closer to him and he takes a step backwards.

"I broke them up? What do you mean? What did I do?" He asks and I start to lose my temper. He's still acting stupid, one more lie and I'm done.

"You know what you did. Just admit it." I say and he looks at me nervously. I'm only a couple of centimeters shorter than Sungchan but still way taller than Haechan so it's funny seeing him be scared of me when I'm three years younger than him.

"I didn't do anything-" Haechan starts but I punch him in the cheek before he can say anything else. He falls on the ground and I just stand still.

"Haechan!" Sungchan comes out from his hiding spot and comes next to Haechan.

"Mingyeom... calm down..." Sungchan says and I shake my head, bending down to Haechan and grabbing his collar.

"You don't step near my sister anymore! You will never be worthy of my sister's love! She will never date you and I'll make sure or it! I never want you near her again!" I yell and let go of him, leaving the park and running to my manager's car, who was here just on time.


"Haechan... are you okay?" I ask, trying to pick Haechan up. How hard did Mingyeom punch him? Why is he literally bleeding right now?

"I'll be okay." Haechan says, sitting up on his own and I let go of him. We sit down on the bench in silence, Haechan holding his cheek where Mingyeom punched him.

"I didn't know you two broke up." Haechan says and I sigh, shaking my head.

"It's okay. I didn't tell anyone but Mingyeom about it." I say and Haechan clears his throat.

"Listen, Sungchan, I'm sorry. I never wanted to be the reason that you two broke up. It was really selfish of me to take your own girlfriend from you. It's just that I liked her so much because she was just so beautiful and I was jealous that you had her and I didn't. I'm so sorry. Now I realize that you know her better than I do and I'm nowhere near the perfect guy for her. It's okay if Mingyeom hates me, but do you hate me, Sungchan?" Haechan looks at me and I sigh, shaking my head.

"I don't hate you, hyung. And I accept your apology." I respond, smiling.

Do I really accept it?


Mingyeom and Sungchan POV!! It's so weird writing in Mingyeom's POV but I hoped you enjoyed it! <3

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