Chapter 51: I would lose my mind

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Vienna's POV

The next morning we did miss the sunrise...well all thanks to Mr. Knight...I swear, this man does what he says. But on the brighter side, thankfully, we did manage to leave the bed before it was noon.

After having breakfast on the yacht itself we got off the boat for a while to go for some sightseeing and my goodness! Santorini is such a beautiful place...the colourful hotels...the amazing food and not to forget the history and the culture of this place...everything is just so simply amazing.

Also the locals are very humble and welcoming here.

After a bit of sightseeing we went for some shopping as obviously we didn't pack any clothes with us.

"How's this" I asked walking out of the trial room like a ramp model, dramatically posing for Ryan who was sitting out.

"Sexy..." He replied shortly, glancing up from his phone.

"But where are you gonna wear this" He asked his gaze traveling on my body up and down.

I was wearing a short, shimmery black coloured dress with spaghetti straps and a deep v-cut neckline, it reached just below my butt, covering the necessary areas, though it wasn't too tight like your typical party wear dresses but instead it was kind of loose.

"To some party or some club maybe" I replied twirling around, giving him a better view of the dress.

" Vienna. You are not wearing that...thing anywhere" He said firmly.

"Go change" He ordered in his usual and familiar demanding tone as I shook my head slightly before walking towards him.

"Why not? You said it yourself that it's sexy" I replied sitting on his lap, encircling my arms around his neck as he exhaled a sharp breath.

"Yeah it is sexy but it's not for everyone to ogle" He said placing his hand on my thigh.

"Baby..." I spoke only to be interrupted by him.

"It's barely even covering anything...leaving very little to the imagination..." He paused.

"Do you really wanna go out wearing that and be lustfully ogled by every single guy that you pass by?" He asked sarcastically.

"If yes, then fine let's buy this" He continued with a hint of anger, without even giving me the chance to speak.

I know he's just saying that because he knows I'll be saying no and also that's the exact answer that he wants to hear...but I love teasing here we go.

"Okay let's buy this" I replied with a shrug, pressing my lips together to hold myself from laughing at his face.

"Are you kidding me" He mumbled unbelievably.

"Come on, love. I was expecting a no" He said almost pouting.

"But you got a yes instead. So now let's buy this" I replied.

"Yeah right, in your dreams" He said sarcastically.

"You are not wearing that...I won't buy you this tiny piece of cloth called dress" He added determined as I burst out laughing.

"Oh baby..." I mumbled still laughing.

"You are just so adorable sometimes" I added stealing a quick kiss.

"I already knew this would be your exact reaction to this dress. I never wanted it in the first place...I was just teasing you" I said getting a hold over my laughter as he looked at me in disbelief for a moment before rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

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