Chapter 43: A risk worth taking

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Vienna's POV

"I don't know what happened between the two of you...but I still wish the best for you and I hope you get whatever you want in your life now that my friend is out of it" David said as we arrived in the waiting area of the airport.

I could sense that somehow he just didn't like the fact that I was leaving his best friend.

I mean of course which friend in this world would like to see their friend hurt.

"I never meant to hurt him" I said almost murmuring to myself.

"Yeah I know that but you did anyways" He replied.

"Anyways, I think I should leave now and probably go look for him. I would have definitely waited until your flight took off but I guess I'm needed somewhere else much more than here" He added as I just nodded slightly.

"Yes you do that and..." I paused wondering if I should even say what I was about to say or not.

Do I even have the right to ask David or even someone else to take care of him?

After everything that I put him through?

Maybe no. I don't.

But I did ask for it anyways.

"Please take care of him and just don't leave him alone. He's in a bad shape...he needs someone right now...a good friend" I continued as David just nodded his head in response.

"Goodbye Vienna, Nancy. Have a safe flight" He said before walking out.

"Are you okay" Nancy asked placing a hand on my shoulder, grabbing my attention.

"No. I'm not okay" I replied honestly.

"If you are not okay with all of this then why did you do this Vienna? What was the need to do this when you knew you would be miserable without him" She said, though in a soft tone as if trying to understand my point of view.

"Vienna. I have seen you literally crying over him for a year...a year is not a short span of time, anything and everything can change in a year, a year might be enough for some people to move on...but it wasn't enough for you, you couldn't move on from the fact that he left you without even informing you, without even a proper goodbye or a breakup..." She paused.

"Because you loved him too still do and I just don't understand why can't you just be with him even after loving him so much. I mean why do people get married? Why do people live together? Because they love what is it that's holding you back" She asked.

"You know it Nan, he's a..." I replied only to be interrupted by her.

"Yeah I know that but I also know that you love him enough to accept the fact that he's a..." She paused looking around for a moment.

"That he's a Mafia" She whispered so that only I could hear her.

"So what is it? I know it's not just about who he is now. It's something else, right" She asked as I sighed.

"I'm scared Nan" I replied feeling a lump in my throat as my eyes filled up with tears again.

"You know what happened with my family...I just don't want history repeating itself with me and Ryan...and the family that we might have in the future if we get back together" I added sobbing as realisation flashed through Nancy's eyes.

"I somehow handled myself years back but now if the same thing happens with..." I trailed off.

"No. I don't think I'll be able to handle myself this time" I said shaking my head.

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