Chapter 14: A fake...wait what?

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Vienna's POV

"Marry me" I continued.

And here comes the long moment of silence...and decision probably.

"W-What" Jason murmured finally breaking the silence between us.

"Vienna have you gone crazy" Nancy said in disbelief.

"I mean yeah a few days ago if you said that then I would have been happy for you but things are different" She added.

"Nan I have thought this plan through and..." I replied trying to explain my plan to her.

"No you haven't thought this through even a bit because if you did you wouldn't be willing to put Jason's life in danger, sure he loves you but that doesn't means that you should use his feelings for your own damn benefit" She said interrupting me as I remained silent as her words hit me right where they were supposed to.

Am I really putting Jason's life in danger?

I'm doing all this because I know Ryan is a man with morals and he will never ever go behind a married woman no matter what and that's the reason I came up with this plan.

This is my only way out of this situation...this is my only way to get away from his clutches...for good this time.

But whatever my reason for this marriage is, it's still a very big decision and of course I did not want to ruin my life by marrying a complete stranger because who knows what kinda person he would turn out to be so that is why I choose Jason because at least I know him well.

And I also knew that he is the only person on this earth who would agree to marry me even after knowing everything...after knowing that what kind of danger he might be getting himself into...after knowing that the most feared mafia of Russia is after me.

But then again I'm not that selfish to marry Jason and be that wife to him who would never love him back because I know one thing for sure that it doesn't matters what Ryan has done...what or who he is right now...I'll always continue loving him...I can never stop loving him...I just feel so helpless when it comes to him.

So that is why I decided that I'll ask Jason to fake a wedding with me and when or if Ryan or his man finally find me they believe that I'm a happily married woman now and hopefully after knowing this Ryan will back off and than Jason and I will be free to go on our separate ways.

But only if Nan had let me explain the entire thing at first and not jump onto conclusions directly, I thought with a sigh.

"Nan, Ryan will never go after a married woman...he is a man with morals and values and you know that too" I said snapping out of my thoughts.

"Values? Morals?" She repeated mockingly.

"If he had any of those then he wouldn't have kidnapped you Vienna..." She paused.

"I mean yeah he does has or maybe had those qualities, I'm not saying that he doesn't but he forgets all those things, all those values and morals, every right and wrong when it comes to you and that is the reason why he went to the extent of kidnapping you" She continued as I just looked at her but my mind was somewhere else only.

I sighed.

"Nan I'm not asking Jason to actually marry me. It'll be a fake marriage and only until Ryan finds out that I'm married now and moves on, then after some time Jason and I'll be free to go on with our lives...on our separate ways" I explained.

"A fake marriage?" Jason asked almost in a murmur as if not believing what I just said.

"Yes Jason because I know you deserve someone so much better than me...someone who can love you just the way you deserve to be loved and to be honest I'm not the right girl for you because I know I can never love you the way I love Ry...I just don't have that thing to love someone once again in me..." I paused.

"Anyways I don't want to trap you into a loveless marriage that's why I came up with the idea of this fake marriage" I added hesitantly.

"Or even a fake marriage if you don't want" I continued just to make it clear that fake or not at the end it's his decision.

"Vienna why can't you understand whatever I just explained to you...married or not he'll never let you go" Nancy said frustrated.

"He'll take you back along with him even if you make him believe that you are married. And just think for one second what he'll do to Jason...most probably he'll kill him" She added as I just closed my eyes letting her words sink in.

"And he won't do that just because he is a mafia now...he would have done the same thing years back too if you did what you plan to do now and you know that too...much better than I do" She continued.

"And honestly he doesn't even needs the power of a mafia to keep you with him...because he has always had a different kind of power over you...over your soul and vice versa. That power was what kept you waiting for him...that made you believe that he'll come back to you. You both were perfect for each much in love but unfortunately you guys got separated and I'm so sorry for that...fate has been unfair on both of you but that doesn't gives you the right to put the lives of innocent people in danger" She said before walking back inside leaving me alone with Jason.

"Whoa I don't understand if she's siding with you, me or Ryan" Jason said a moment later.

"She's not siding with anyone. Whatever she said is right...I can't run away anymore" I replied subconsciously as I realized that each and every word that Nan said was bitter but hundred percent true and correct. 

"So that means that you'll just give'll just go back to him" Jason said.

"No. I'll not go back to him but I'll also not put your life in danger...I mean the fake marriage was a bad and stupid idea" I replied with a dry smile and just as I was about to walk back inside, Jason held my wrist stopping me.

"Then how about a real one" He asked.


Hey guys,

So a real marriage?

What do you think will be Vienna's answer?


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Until next time.


Crystal ❤️

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