Chapter 40: Answer to all my prayers

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Ryan's POV

"Nancy called again, I just don't understand what should I tell her" David said as I walked down the stairs into the living area.

"Neither do I" I replied with a sigh as we both walked out towards my car.

"Are you sure this lady really saw her" I asked as we both sat inside the car and the driver drew us to the address of a cafe Den gave.

After having a bit of a breakdown yesterday I left my office, came back to the mansion and did nothing in particular except reminiscing about the good times while having a couple of drinks until sleep finally took over me or rather should I say that I passed out on the couch once again around midnight.

Then woke up this morning with David's continuous calls until I finally answered them and a terrible headache, which of course was the result of all the alcohol intake from last night.

But anyways the point is that David informed me this morning that there's some lady who claims that she saw Vienna or more like met her and talked and right now we are headed to meet her.

If this lady is telling the truth then that means that David was right yesterday that she's not kidnapped but if not kidnapped then what's she...

"Actually I'm not so sure, I mean Den informed me about this lady last night and I wanted to tell you immediately but of course you were too drunk for this kind of conversation or any conversation for that matter..." David replied in a taunting tone, breaking the chain of my thoughts.

"But anyways as I said Den was the one who found this lady so obviously he's the one who talked to her in person, I haven't met her yet so no, nothing can be said yet" He added once he knew he had my full attention as I just nodded.

"What will you do after you find her" David asked a moment later.

"What do you mean" I asked frowning.

"I mean will you two finally get back together for good this time or not" He replied as my mind just went blank for a fleeting moment.

Well...this is the question that deep down I have been asking myself and also the question that I have been avoiding answering.

"I don't know. Haven't thought about it yet" I answered snapping out of my thoughts as he just shook his head slightly with a kind of knowing smile.

"What" I snapped.

"You do know the answer to that would want nothing else in this world other than being with her" He replied.

"Okay fine. Yeah I would want to be with her even after everything that has happened between us and actually what happened between us really doesn't even matters that much anymore if she was really coming back to yeah if she still wants that I mean if she still wants to be with me...then yeah I wouldn't think twice before going back to her" I said expressing my genuine feelings.

"But..." I murmured a moment later as he interrupted me.

"Yeah of course there's always a but" He said rolling his eyes as I sighed.

"But it's not about what I want anymore. After all this...her being missing and the possibility that she might be kidnapped by my enemies...that she might be in some kind of danger because of me, I have released something that she's not safe with me...I mean of course I won't let any harm come near her for sure but yet there'll always be this fear in my heart when I won't be around her that someday she might pay for what I did as a Mafia...for my deeds...that someday someone might harm her just so they can hurt me and I don't even want to imagine what I might do that many people I might kill...I know I'll just become a hideous monster...I know I would lose my mind" I replied.

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