Chapter 38: His responsibility

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Ryan's POV

I groaned feeling uncomfortable in my sleep and as I turned around to find a comfortable spot, the bed ended I guess...making me land on the floor harshly with the sound of a thud.

"Fuck" I groaned yet again feeling the pain of falling down all over my body...wait did I hit my head too?

Um I don't think so.

Then why the fuck is my head hurting like a bitch.

Opening my eyes the first thing I saw was the fancy ceiling, glancing at my side I realized that I was probably sleeping on the couch...which explains why I was so uncomfortable.

But wait...I don't have this kind of couch in my room and neither do I have this fancy, too fancy to be more precise, ceiling in my room...this ceiling looks more suitable for a club or something not for a bedroom.




"Shit" I murmured recalling the happenings of last night.

Oh no.

I did drugs last night.

I went too far.

If Vienna gets to know...

Okay that's where I need to stop.

We are not together anymore.

She won't give a shit about me...

But I saw her last night.

Or was it just the drugs and the alcohol.

Yeah surely it was the drugs and alcohol...

The chain of my thoughts was cut short as I felt cold water splashed all over my face.

Is the ceiling leaking?

God! Why the hell am I talking or well thinking like I'm still drunk.

I do have a hangover though...but that's a different thing.

But hey, who the hell dared to pour cold water on me.

"What the hell dude" I snapped at David, still lying down on the floor as he just stood in front of me with an ice bucket...which he probably used to pour cold chilling water all over my face.

"Thought that would help you with the hangover" He replied with a sarcastically grin.

" have been lying down there for a moment now, lost, god knows where so I did that just to grab your attention and turns out it worked" He added placing the ice bucket aside as I rolled my eyes before getting up and crashing on the couch.

"You could have just called me out" I said pressing my fingers against my forehead.

"I didn't wanna waste any time...there's something that needs your immediate attention" He replied as I sat up straight sensing the seriousness in his voice.

"What's the matter" I asked.

"It's about Vienna" He replied making me sigh before shaking my head.

"I told you I don't wanna hear her name" I said getting up and grabbing my coat, which I found lying on the floor beside the couch I slept on.

I still can't believe I slept in my own club last night...I mean it isn't just's also kind of bad for my image...I mean just think about it, everyone and by everyone I mean my staff, must have seen me passed out on the couch like some street side drunkard...which is not me.

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