Chapter 13: Marry me?

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Vienna's POV

The rest of the day went by in a blur while joking around with my siblings and also helping my mom in the kitchen after so long and somehow I didn't feel worried about what's going to happen anymore.

I felt happy.

But there was still this small part of my heart that was feeling guilty...guilty for leaving him.

But anyways what's done is done, I can't change anything and neither do I want to because I know what I did was right...for both of us.

"Good morning love" He whispered placing a soft kiss on my earlobe before trailing down to my neck.

"Hmm" I hummed in response.

"I love you baby" He whispered again as I felt him smiling against my skin.

"I love you too" I replied reaching out to touch his face and just as I was about to turn and touch him everything suddenly disappeared.

I frowned as I found myself lying alone on my bed...wait this is not even my's Ryan's I remember it correctly.


What's happening.

I'm hundred percent sure that I came back to my my mother's house then how come I'm back to Russia? At his place?

I wondered.

"Ryan" I murmured as soon as I opened my eyes.

Oh damn! It was a dream, I assured myself placing a hand on my racing heart.

I looked around searching for my mom's phone which I borrowed from her for sometime, to see what time it is as it's still a little dark outside.

It's five in the morning.

I sighed wiping away the beats of sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand.

Jesus! Why is my heart beating so fast? And what's up with my fastening breath.

He's sitting so far away from me and yet just with a dream alone he can get my heart racing at an unusual pace.

I just hope I never think of him again.

But this dream seemed so real...was he really here?

No that's not possible because as much as I know him he'll never even think that I'll came to my family's place because by doing that I'll be putting my loved ones lives in danger and he knows I'll never do maybe my hometown is not the first place he'll come looking for me.

But you did put your family's life in danger by coming here and on top of that you called your friends, Nancy and Jason here too, my subconscious spoke.

No I'm not putting anyone's life in danger I know this is the last place he'll come looking for me, I responded shaking my head.

But what if he is one step ahead of us...what if your hometown is the first place he comes searching for you, my subconscious argued.

And suddenly I found myself out of answers as her words suddenly hit me hard.

What if Ryan knows what I was thinking while choosing a place to hide away from him...of course he might think that I'll go running to the place where he thinks I'll never go...what if he really is one step ahead of me.

What if he really finds me?

After all he knows me very and out.

Oh my god. No this can't be happening.

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