Chapter 37: I see you everywhere

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Ryan's POV

"David please get me at least some clues about the person who was behind that short-circuit at the mansion, if not the details" I said shaking my head a bit before leaning back against my chair.

"Ryan, we really have been trying very hard to track down who was behind that attack but it's just that...whoever did this is quite good and hard to track down" David replied taking a seat in front of me.

"But it's been months since that incident which is more than enough time for you guys to track down the person who wanted to kill me or Vi...well you know..." I paused stopping myself from even uttering the name that I have been trying to avoid since the past three months.

"And for god's sake don't give me that crap about the attacker being excellent and all...he might be good at his work but I'm the most feared Mafia and also the most successful businessman of Russia David and along with those tags comes a reputation and I need to protect that reputation, I just can't let people think that they can try and mess with me and get away with it" I added not even realising when my voice reached a high pitch.

"I know that man and trust me I'll find whoever wants to have my friend killed" He replied calmly before getting up and walking towards the door as I sighed tiredly, closing my eyes for a moment.

"Ryan. Are you okay man" He asked as I opened my eyes only to see that he was standing a few steps away from the door and still hasn't left.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine" I replied nodding a little bit.

"Okay. Now tell me the truth, are you really doing okay" He asked again.

"I mean we all know that you have been trying really hard to pretend that 'I'm all good and Vienna dumping me just one night before our wedding is not affecting me at all', for the past three months...but tell me is that really working well for you" He asked as I just gave him a blank look knowing that he already knows the answer to that question.

"David I won't be saying this again so just listen to me carefully and keep my words in your head...I don't wanna hear that name ever again" I replied a moment later in an oddly calm voice that even surprised me.

"Whoa! You hate her that much man? What the hell actually happened between you two? I mean it's just quite hard to digest that you of all people could hate her" He said frowning.

"I don't hate her" I murmured.

"I can never hate her David" I added.

"Then why is it suddenly so unbearable for you to even hear her name" He asked.

"Because..." I trailed off.

"Look I gave her my word that I would let her go and the more I hear her name...or something related to her the harder it gets for me to keep my word" I said with a sigh.

"I have been fighting with myself each and every day since these past three months...trying to convince myself that I don't want her in my life but the truth is that I do...I do want her...more than anyone else in this world...but the harsh reality is that she doesn't wants me" I added.

"Hearing her name again and again by my family, asking me what happened between her and me in that one single night...just makes it much more hard for me than what it already is" I said shaking my head slightly.

"So hard that I'm afraid that some day I'll search her from any fucking corner of this world and drag her back to me...going against my own words...breaking the promise I made to her that I would let her go" I continued.

"I don't wanna break my promise David...I love her and I always will...nothing and no one can change that, not even her but it's just that we don't always get what we want, do we" I said chuckling.

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