Chapter 34: A promise of love

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Vienna's POV

"I'm pregnant" I whispered.

"W-What" He said or more like murmured, his voice barely audible.

"Yes I just found out yesterday morning and I was waiting when you would return so I could tell you" I replied with a hint of nervousness.

Wait. Why the hell am I nervous?

I'm pregnant...with Ryan's baby, there's nothing to be nervous about.


Yes I'm not nervous.

Or maybe I'm...but just about his reaction though.

"With a baby" He asked the most absurd question I have ever heard, with an absent mind, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh no, it's just a cute little puppy or a cat maybe" I replied sarcastically, giving a little shrug to my shoulders.

I mean seriously what kind of stupid question is that? He seems to be in some kind of trance.

"Oh I didn't mean it like that...I mean I don't know, that just came out...I was just in shock I guess that's why I asked that stupid question in the first place" He said embarrassed as I couldn't help but chuckle at his embarrassed face...which I very rarely get to see.

"Are you sure" He asked with a small chuckle which had a hint of...nervousness?

Ryan Knight? And nervous? You are just delusional girl, my subconscious said rolling her eyes.

Yeah well I guess it's just me because why on earth would Ryan Knight, the powerful and most feared mafia of Russia, be nervous?

"Why? Don't you trust me" I asked a question in reply to his.

"Hell!...Why wouldn't I trust you..." He paused placing both of his palms on either sides of my face.

"I trust you with my life but it's just that it doesn't feels real...we are getting married in a day and now you are telling me that you are pregnant...I mean how did I even get so lucky suddenly to have it have you and a baby...with you...which by the way was totally and utterly unexpected news" He continued, chuckling saying the last words.

"None of it feels real love...all of this just feels so unbelievable and surreal that I'm afraid that I'll wake up in my bed only to realize it was all a dream all along" He added.

"This..." I paused taking his hand and placing it against my flat belly.

"Is real Ryan" I continued as he looked down where I placed his hand for a moment before looking up at me and there it was...happiness shining through his glassy eyes...the happiness that I certainly knew I would see.

"Well then you have just made me the happiest man alive" He replied before taking me in his warm embrace, lifting me off the floor.

"Though I still can't believe that this is really happening" He added, losing his grip but still holding me close as my feet touched the floor once again.

"Ryan I know that there's a lot been going on between us ever since we met again but I think I'm ready now..." I trailed off finding myself at lack of words.

"Ready for..." He repeated my words, urging me to go on further.

"Ready to give this relationship a second chance...ready to give us a second chance because no matter how I feel and whether I like it or not but our current circumstances have somehow binded us together" I said before a little weird silence spread out between us.

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