Chapter 22: Unforgettable love

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Vienna's POV

Soon enough it was time for dinner and I didn't even realize where the time went by while talking and hanging around with these three sisters.

I know at first I was uncertain and nervous about seeing them again and about their reaction after seeing me and I was also mad at Ryan for bringing me here.

But now I'm secretly kind of thankful to him because I loved his family years back too so it's obvious for me to be nervous about their rejection or something but now that I have met them again I feel like nothing has changed.

Everything still feels the same...just like the old days when Samantha and I used to hang out together whenever they visited Ryan in Canada and Charlotte and Scarlett would tag along with us...with Scarlett continuously blabbering about anything and everything that happened in her day.  

From the twins sisters, Scarlett is the talkative one while on the other hand Charlotte is a little shy and doesn't opens up with new people too quickly but since she has known me for years, we get along pretty well.

Ryan, Samantha and Charlotte, all three have inherited their father's it the brown hair or their other facial features...they have totally taken after their father.

Ethan Knight.

I remember the time when I was so intimidated by his personality and the aura he gave away, which by the way is just like Ryan's or should I be saying that Ryan's personality and aura is like him? 

Anyways as I was saying that I was really intimidated by him when Ryan's family visited Canada once and he took me to his family's place back there to introduce me to them for the first time and I got along with all of them real quick since they were all very welcoming towards me.

But out of all of them I was nervous just to meet his father because he gave away the aura of a kind of strict father...and a very reserved person in particular but as I met once or twice again I got along with him too and realized that he is a really good man.

And also that appearances can really be deceiving.

I wonder where he is...I haven't seen him since I got here...which was probably just a few hours ago so maybe he has gone out somewhere and I guess I'll be seeing him soon.

But as I was talking about the Knight siblings...from the four of them only Scarlett has taken after their mother, Grace but it's not like she has inherited all her features, but just her ash blonde hair...which I really like and I wish I had the same hair colour as well.

I just hope these three old friends of mine keep me occupied while I'm here so that I'll be able to avoid Ryan as much as possible.

But wait where is he anyways?...I haven't seen him ever since after Samantha dragged me to show me around.

As the four ladies talked about random things while sitting on the dinning table as some helpers severed us our meal, I couldn't really pay any attention to their words as my eyes kept looking for someone.

Why are you even looking for him? I thought you wanted to avoid him, my subconscious made a sarcastic comment as always but before I could even ponder on her words, the chain of my thoughts was interrupted by Grace.

"He'll be here soon Honey...he has stepped out with David" She said smiling.


Is he here too?

I didn't see him.

A strong pang of guilt hit me hard as I thought about him.

He tried his best to help me to get away...but alas Ryan found me...he even risked his friendship with him just so I could run away...but it all went in vain.

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