Chapter 2: Meeting him again

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Vienna's POV

"Please someone help me" I screamed as I felt the car speeding up more but that same guy's next words made me realize that screaming is totally useless because no one would hear me.

"No one can hear you as the windows are closed and even if by any chance someone does hears you they won't be able to do anything" he said laughing and then I heard some other male voices laughing after him.

I sighed leaning my head against the seat thinking what the hell did I do to deserve this.

Soon the car came to a halt and I heard the door opening and soon enough I was pulled out of the car but not harshly and this made me remember this guy's words that they are not allowed to hurt me, that makes me wonder who is not allowing them to hurt me and who the hell has asked them to kidnap me in the first place, not that I want to get hurt but it doesn't makes any sense right that you kidnap someone but you don't hurt them in anyway.

All my thoughts came to an end when I felt a little pain in my right arm and then just after few seconds my unconscious state took over my conscience one.

I slowly opened my eyes only to find myself lying on a bed in a room which looked like it has not seen any sunlight in ages. I tried to figure out what was going on and where the hell I'm and then all what happened drowned on me making me feel a little dizzy.

Oh god.

Where have they brought me I can't even do anything because my hands are still tied but gladly there's no cloth around my eyes to block my view this time.

But my happiness didn't last long as I heard a voice saying "She's awake" and not long after that a guy walked in and tied that stupid cloth on my eyes again as I tried to protest but all in vain because my hands were tied too.

I wiggled trying to get my hands free as I realized that now there was no one present around me, but my hands were tied quite tightly so I failed in my mission and stopped not wanting to hurt myself in the process.

"Why is this happening with me...why me" I whispered to myself and leaned my head backwards as tears filled up my eyes but I somehow stopped them from flowing down because I don't want to appear weak in front of whoever kidnapped me, I need to be strong and find some way to escape from here but before I could think on my escaping plan any further I heard someone's foot steps and then I was pulled to stand up by my arm and we walked towards...well God only knows where.

Soon we stopped walking and my hands were freed, the cloth around my eyes was removed too and when I slowly opened my eyes I was left shocked when I saw the person standing in front of me, because I never imagined to meet him in this kind of situation again.

"David" I murmured in a shocked state to no one in particular.

David was Ryan's best friend, when me and Ryan got into a relationship, David and I became good friends too or should I say we both had a brother and sister type of relation. But then he also disappeared all of a sudden just like Ryan and in fact they both disappeared together leaving all of us thinking and worrying about them.

"Vienna...we are meeting almost after a year, it's really good to see you again" his voice pulled me out of my trance.

"What are you doing here, oh my god have they kidnapped you too" I asked confused and in a panicked state thinking that we both are in danger.

"No and don't worry you are not in any kind of danger" he replied and I looked at him as if he had grown two heads.

"Are you stupid here I'm kidnapped and you are asking me not to worry, telling me that there's no danger" I snapped with frustration.

"Wait first tell me what are you doing here" I asked raising my eyebrows "And do you know anything about...Ryan, where is he, is he fine" I asked the question which has been itching me from the moment I saw David, almost in tears while trying to think positively which was now becoming difficult for me considering the situation I'm in.

"You will get all your answers but not now, and by the way be ready there's someone who's been dying to see you again" he replied while walking out of the door not giving me chance to speak any further leaving me confused, what was he trying to say, who was he talking about.

Oh god I don't understand what to do now first I get kidnapped and that scares the shit out of me already and then I meet my old friend again who was practically vanished off the face of the earth till now.

Now I'm not only scared but confused as hell too. I looked around and it was then that I noticed that I was in a room that looked quite amazing.

I sat down on the comfortable bed and was busy in admiring the room while trying to forget about the dangerous situation I was in for a while atleast but suddenly I felt someone's presence in the room and that was enough to scare and alert me again because I don't know who it is and what their intentions might be.

But somehow gathering all my courage together I finally glanced at the door and the person I saw in front of me made me forget everything, every fear, every tension as my heart skipped a beat.

"Ryan" I whispered in tears of happiness and sighed in relief knowing now that he is here nothing can happen to me because I know him well he won't let any harm come anywhere near me.

I couldn't be more happier, I have finally found my love, my sweet loving Ryan again.

Or so I thought.


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And sorry for the delay.

Bye until next time.

With lots of love.

Crystal :)

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