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"If I ask you to do something I expect you to do it. If I tell you to do something you do it without question. I don't care what it is, you do it. Got it," I stood frozen not knowing what to say. Sana was telling me all these things that made no fucking sense.

We were sitting. Well, I was sitting down she was hovering over me. I could tell she was trying to intimidate me but it wasn't working, I have always been the one to intimidate people so I'm not backing down. But I could feel myself giving in to her.

There was a silence that was making me feel incredibly uncomfortable. So I did what any badass would do. I stood up and walked away. I was almost near the door and I was surprised she didn't stop me but I did hear her voice. "You have two options," I heard footsteps telling me she was walking closer to me. "You could either do as I say and we can have all the fun you want to," I felt her presence behind me, "or you can leave and we pretend this never happened."

I didn't know what to do. I was stuck. On one hand, we could have all the fun we want. But then again, where would this lead. Like are we just supposed to have this little affair forever? She's not going to leave my dad that's for sure. And speaking about my dad, what if he finds out?

More importantly what if they end up getting married. I can't do that to him, or myself. I want a relationship with someone I could call mine and they can call me theirs. I want a family, I want to be able to see them pregnant with our child. If this happens with Sana, I get none of that. What am I supposed to do? Never have a relationship, never be happy, just be her little pet/play toy or dick giver while she's fucking my dad. And if anything, I don't want his germs all on me.

I closed my eyes and shook my head, I can't do this. I put my hand on the door handle and opened the door. Before I could fully open it there was a force that pushed the door back closed. I looked at the object and saw that it was Sana's hand. "Wrong answer," I looked at her and froze.

"How is there a wrong answer?!" She removed her hand from the door and put it around my neck.

"Because I said so," I was not able to say anything because her hand was basically stopping the sound from coming out of my mouth so I rolled my eyes. Bad idea. She slammed me against the wall and I flinched in pain. Her grip tightened around my neck and she pressed herself on me. Her left leg was between mine and her other hand was holding my left arm above my head. Trying to act weak before her seems cool to me, she has no idea the damages I can cause. "I don't know how many times I have to say this, but you're sure as hell going to learn by the end of the night not to roll your eyes at me," I gritted my teeth, although I will admit she had me for a few seconds there but of course, I will never admit that.

"Who the hell do you think you are bitch," I smiled in a flirting way, her grip was lessens at my look and I almost couldn't control the laughter I was nurturing, but surprisingly, she started laughing. Not in her cute little chuckle she does, but this was completely different. I could hear the anger, the domination, the lust all in one. Her mouth came closer to my neck and to my ear.

"Aww sweetheart, if only you knew," suddenly I was able to breathe again as she stepped back and I fell to the ground. I wrapped a hand around my throat and I have no doubt that there was some type of handprint around my neck, without even looking in the mirror. "Undress," I heard a deep but seductive tone say. Yet I didn't move. I was still trying to figure out if I heard her correctly. All of a sudden there was a sharp pain to my ass, a small but long sting struck me and I flinched. I looked back and Sana was holding some type of fucking thing you use on a damn horse. I looked at her as if she was crazy and she was. "I don't like repeating myself,"

Just the sound of her voice made a shiver shoot down my spin but also anger, and as always that anger took over everything. I stood up and slapped her across the face.

"I don't know what your fucking problem is but I am not your damn dog. You may do this shit with my dad hell I have no doubt you did it with many other people. But I'm not going to be one of them," at the end of my little speech I felt a little pride in me. I stood up for myself and did the right thing. But why doesn't feel that way?

Sana still had her head turned in the direction that I slapped her, I could see her teeth greeting together and the anger rising up inside her every second. But I didn't stick around to see what was going to happen.


"Are you sure you don't want me to come down there? Cause trust me I will." I slightly giggled at how over protective my friend was. It was two O'clock in the morning and I was wandering the streets of Daegu looking clue less as hell.

"Yeah I'm sure, I just needed someone to talk to. Plus if I get kidnapped, I need a witness to make sure they tell the police they know Sana took me," I heard a little laugh come out of her.

"Forget the police, I would do shits myself, Police? Who talks about them these days? the police doesn't do shit," I nodded my head in agreement knowing she couldn't see me.

"Good cause honestly I feel like someone is watching me," I stopped walking and turned my body not seeing anyone there. My breath spead up a little as I kept walking.

"Okay well if thats the case all jokes aside, I need you to go back to the hotel," Chaeyoung said and I sighed.

"One minute ago you were threatening to kill her if she lays a hand on me, now you want me to go back to her?"

"Yes. As much as I don't like her, you being with her makes me know your safe. Or close enough to safe," I shook my head.


"Tzuyu I'm serious, I would rather have her turn you into your submissive than someone random guy taking you off the streets and doing God only knows what to you," this time I completely froze. Her submissive. I never really thought of it like that. I mean she does have the personality of a Dom. She also said I will learn not to roll my eyes at her, she said that I will be hers. Oh my fucking gosh. My breath got caught in my throat as someone basically yelled through my phone.

"Wh-what I'm sorry,"

"What were you- nevermind. Just go back to the hotel." The thought of Sana being a Dominant left my mind for a minute and I let out a long sigh.

"Okay I will, I'll call you tomorrow. And if I don't, Sana has successfully killed me," Chaeyoung laughed and yawned.

"Whatever, good night gorgeous," I chuckled.


She hung up and I let out a yawn. Maybe Chaengie was right. Even if she wasn't, I'm not spending my first night in Daegu on the streets. I started to turn around to head back to the hotel, thankfully I just walked in a straight line. Before I could fully turn around someone put something on my nose and mouth. The thing smelt like shit and I couldn't stand it. I felt my knees getting weak and my eye lids slowly shutting. I tried staying awake but the smell took over me and my knees gave in as I fell to the cold hard ground.

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