Chapter 2: Miscommunication is Key

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Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

That night you laid horizontally across your bed on your stomach. You propped yourself up on your elbows, eyes glued to your cellphone in unwavering determination. Rehan's face stared away from you, his dark brows scrunched in annoyance.

"Come on!" You whined, "tell me, please!" Your elbows gave out from underneath you and your torso fell along your bedsheets, seeming to give in. Yes this was your big plan to get Rehan to spill the tea or beans or whatever.

"Are you done?" He wasn't even paying attention to you anymore. His orange eyes were glued to the tv in his bedroom as he mashed buttons vigorously on his XBox controller.

You seemed to contemplate his question for a second. "Hmm, done for now. I'm a little hungry."

"And by that you mean, 'I could eat an entire cow and still have room for dessert.'" He smirked.

He was getting you back for the Crow meme you sent him earlier about selling him to Satan for a corn chip, you just knew it! You slammed the phone on your bed, mimicking a strangling motion to the device before picking it up again to take it with you to the kitchen.

He paused to take of one of his earphones so he could hear, "while you're there, ask your mom if she has your dress?" He focused his eyes back to the screen. The blue light washed over his face, turning red as he began to fight the enemy flashing dangerously on the screen.

"What dress?" You opened the fridge and pulled out the milk. Breakfast for dinner it was. You began pouring in the milk for your  
bowl of Cheerios when your mom walked in.

"Hey honey," she smiled and looked down at your bowl of Cheerios distastefully. "Dear, you know how to make your own food, but you still choose a cold bowl of cereal?" Her eyes narrowed into slits of open judgement. The question was rhetorical, but you still felt the need to answer.

"Yeah, it's heart healthy. Haven't you seen the commercials?" You said before taking a huge spoonful into your mouth. It wasn't the best thing in the universe to eat, but you were too lazy to make anything else since you spent all your time studying.

"Hello Mrs. (L/n)! How are you," Rehan called over the phone, the sounds of intense battle were loud on his line. It sounded like he was winning, at least. When you looked at the screen over your almost emptied bowl of cereal, you noticed he had stopped playing. Now he fully stared at your mom, laughing and joking along in a nice manner as they conversed. It was a clear sign of respect he had for your mother, and you appreciated it. "Ma'am, I was just asking (Y/n), but I figure it would be best to ask you directly: is (Y/n)'s dress ready?"

Boy, wasn't he polite!

"Oh yes, I got the dress sized for her to her exact measurements! And you, young man, have an eye for style!" She turned to you, her bright smile blinding. Oh dear, it's beautiful! And he picked it out all by himself!" She clapped enthusiastically.

Oh no... Rehan picked it out? Why weren't you told of any of this? And why was she reacting like this? If dad was here he would have been furious to hear a boy had picked out your dress for you. If it were up to your father you probably would have worn military camouflage so the guys would think you were a dancing shrub.

You would never understand your mother. Why was she so cheery about this? She never acted so exited about you being out past eleven before. At it was late tonight too! Who in their right mind has so much enthusiasm after ten at night?! You could never begin to comprehend where all your mothers energy came from. You surely didn't have any.

What did you even need a dress for?

Oh, right the ball thing.

"Wait, we're actually going to the ball?" You asked Rehan over a mouthful of Cheerios. Your mother shot you a look and you hurried to put your bowl in the sink.

"Yes, of course you're going!" Your mother said happily before shooting you another warning glare.

"Fine geez," you whispered. You weren't gonna get out of this, were you? "Why am I even going with you?"

"So you're not alone," he smirked.

"What if I already have a date?" You shot back, hands on your hips.

This made their eyes grow wide then. "Do you?" He questioned, real anger glazing his deep, honey colored eyes. Your mom looked like she was gonna start screaming at you weather Rehan was on the phone or not. Her cheery nature had gone in the blink of an eye.

"Y-Yes?" Where were you going with this?

"Oh really?" Rehan crossed his arms over his chest. It was a mannerism that always made the muscles in his arms tighten into hard mounds under his navy blue shirt. The red light on his tv made it look even more threatening in the darkness of his room.

"Yes. Really." You blinked. Geez, how much does it take for him to believe your obvious lie?

Obviously, a lot.

"Then who is it, (Y/n)?" Oh shit. You needed a name. Fast.

Of course your mind went blank, unable to think of anyone. He really put you on the spot here. Rehan knew everyone by default since he was the Vice President of your senior class.

Wait, that's perfect!

"Atlas Hangul asked me to go with him today and I said yes, thank you very much, you Asswipe." You clicked the red button and his shocked face was the last thing you saw before the call ended.

Oh no... what did you get yourself into? He was being nice, but you felt upset. Why did he assume you wouldn't have a date? We're you that unlikable? Sure you kept to yourself but was it so hard to believe that his best friend couldn't get a single date to the dance?

But Atlas... how would you get him to go with you? He had no idea you even existed. He probably already had a date too. From what you heard from those three girls earlier that day, he was a bigger deal than you thought.

"(Y/n)!" Your mom scolded you. "How dare you be rude to Rehan when he was only trying to be kind to you!" She was livid. You could understand why.

It didn't hurt his feelings. He could probably get someone else to go with, it wasn't a big deal.

"That boy spent all that money on a beautiful gown for you and this is how you treat him! I'm so upset with you! He's supposed to be your friend, (Y/n), you don't treat friends this way!" You wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

"He didn't tell me he bought it..." you mumbled. Oh no, you fucked up big time. You ran to your room and hid under the covers, throwing yourself into a dreamless sleep.
Does this count as a cliff hanger if it's only the second chapter? Anyway~ Hope you like the chapter!

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