Chapter 4: Atlas "The Asshole"

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"True Evil Is, above all things, Seductive."
You watched Atlas as he remained eerily motionless with his head turned to the side opposite of where your open palm collided with his cheek. He made no move to swivel his head until you started to back away out of slight of him out of fear of his retaliation. You did not think about what you would do if he decided to hit back, you just slapped him in a fit of blind rage. Your body reacted on instinct as your hand made contact with his face, and damn it felt good. You regretted ever being close enough to share the same air as this asshole.

Did he understand what he had just done?

This effected him too. How long had Atlas stood there listening to you and Rehan argue before he made up his mind to intrude? Why did he feel the need to intrude? He didn't even know you.

Suddenly, Atlas turned to stare at you with dark, insidious eyes. The death stare was even more bizarre when you saw where the massive red welt was beginning to form on his cheek. Your hand had left a clear outline of your palm and fingers along his cheek and jaw. However, you were too upset to feel bad for him. You just hoped it hurt half as much as Rehan was hurting because of your stupid hurt feelings.

After a while of deafening silence Atlas spoke. His voice was deep and incited a strange
fear within you. It was as though a different person was speaking through Atlas to you. A darker, more dangerous Atlas. "You know, you really shouldn't hit someone when they try to help you with your boy trouble." He said kissing his teeth. "It's not very smart, Sweetheart. Maybe that's why you lost him to begin with, Hmm?" A sneer of a smile worked slowly at his face, morphing it.

You chose to ignore the stupid nickname he had called you and focused your spiteful rage into your words instead. "What the hell do you care about my boy trouble," you looked annoyed when he stepped closer. Did he need to get so close to you?

"It's no fun if I explain that to you now," He smirked, playful now. His pink lips were the same shade as the blooming handprint on his welted cheek. "Rehan and I go way back, that's all."

"Don't play that shit with me! I've known Rehan since we were fetuses!" The text Rehan sent resurfaced in your mind and you suddenly calmed yourself. "If you knew him so well how come he never talked about you? How come you never hung out with us?" You felt a great satisfaction at seeing the twitch he tried to hide behind another mysterious smirk.

"That's none of your business, Sweetness." He moved away then and you began to relax. He gently leaned back on the teachers desk to sneer down his nose at you, his arms were crossed along with his brows in an intimidating fashion. "Instead, why don't you mind telling me about what that was earlier with you and Rehan?"

""That's none of your business," Asshole," you shot his own words back at him. To your surprise Atlas just laughed. His shoulders tittered as a tinkling sound erupted from him. The sound reminded you of a wild rainstorm. How could he make a simple laugh sound douchey?

"This "asshole" also drove you to school and gave you a jacket so you wouldn't get cold. Maybe you shouldn't judge me before you get to know me." When you realized you still wore the said jacket you flung it off like it burnt your skin and threw it at him. He caught it with ease.

The agile bastard.

"I am a lady of class. I only judge men by the content of their characters and nothing more. Still, I find them all assholes and you're no exception." You spat, flipping both of your lucky middle fingers and turning to leave the classroom. It was your first class of the day, but you were willing to skip to comfort Rehan instead. He deserved to know why you ignored him. He was trying to warn you about Atlas, and you wish you had listened. You should never included this sorry excuse for a guy in your argument to start.

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