Chapter 1: Best Friends Don't Keep Secrets

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"We will always be friends because you match my level of crazy."

"I'm just saying, Lady Dimitrescus could rip me in half with her bare hands and I would say thank you," you declared, earning a laugh from your best friend, Rehan. He smiled, keeping his eyes on the road as he turned the corner to stop at the McDonald's drive through.

"I don't know," Rehan jokingly said in disagreement. "she's alright, but I'm just a sucker for the Jill Valentine from the remake of Resident Evil 3. I would have her babies." He finished as he stopped in the line of cars waiting to drive to the order terminal. You loved mornings like these the most, especially when you were with Rehan.

The girl had a hyena laugh of your own. "Wait," you giggled. "Wouldn't she be the one having your babies, Reh?"

"No," he shook his head, "I'm sure if I can date a video game character I can also have children by it like some weird, humanoid male seahorse." The car gently rolled forward. The smell of fries and fast food wafted into the car, mingling with his air freshener. It was a scent you liked, taking deep inhales of the mouthwatering aroma.

"Yeah, yeah. All I'm saying is I have a thing for strong women who can crush me with their thighs." You reached for your bottle of water in his cup holder. It was warm, but you didn't mind since you swiped it from Reh's trunk anyway.

"You're not even gay, (Y/n)." He retorted.

"And how would you know that, Hmm?" You turned and feigned a look of quizzical anger. You loved the banter between you and Rehan. It tended to delve into hilarious conversations like these that always ended in fits of giggles from the both parties. You felt that was the way a moronic conversation between best friends should always end.

"Hisoka," he answered sarcastically, a deadpan look on his face and he turned to you. You blushed and turned away.

"That's no fair! Everyone finds psychopaths attractive." You smiled at his raised eyebrow. He looked as if he was staring at a mental patient then. It was a look he often had when you saw him asses someone's character. It was a very annoying trait he picked up from his Psychology class.

"Many psychologists say women who fall for the antagonist in fantasies because it releases adrenaline and instills fear, which are chemicals that are associated with attraction. So, basically, the emotions you feel when you're afraid are the same emotions you feel when you're aroused." Reh eyed you from the corner of his eyes as he saw your disgusted expression. "You know that look on your face is classified as the realization that you're a simp for toxic men." He smirked. His dark brown hair falling in front of his orange eyes, mimicking a tiger stalking a gazelle in tall grass. You didn't pick up the strange stare as you stared out the window, annoyed at his factual statements.

You rolled your eyes. "Whatever nerd, just buy me chicken nuggets."


You happily sipped your coke as Rehan parked his car in front of school. It was a beautiful Honda something or other in the color of icy silver. It was sleek and beautiful, and he took great care of it (most of the time).

You forgot what brand of Honda Rehan said it was, but you remembered it being very fast based on the amount of skid marks on the road in front of his house. His mother was still angry with him about marking up the street, but she would never dream of scolding him, especially not after the incident a couple years ago.

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