Chapter 6: I Want You to Want Me

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"Out of all the people who had to hurt me, why did it have to be you?"
Over the next few days Rehan ignored you relentlessly. From ignoring you in the halls to not answering your texts and calls, he pretended you did not exist. For the first time in years your best friend felt like a total stranger. It was new for you. He had never acted this way no matter how bad the fights ended.

After a week and a half you had gotten desperate enough to reach out to his mom. She just told you to give him some "space" and "you two go through rough patches all the time, now is no different." But it was so, so different than before. Rehan had never completely went ghost on you before, never left you in the dark. Even when he was upset he would still eat lunch with you. Maybe steal your food and flip you off after, but that was still something. Nothing was new to you.

Nothing meant he didn't care.

Was he really gonna throw away years of freindship for some dumb argument? Did you really mean nothing to him in the end?

He didn't even give you time to explain. He wouldn't pick up the phone or answer your text to hear you out. Not that you had room to talk, you had ignored him too, but still it stung.

In the hallways he was always around his club friends so conversing about anything personal was virtually impossible. You might as well had been speaking to him in an alien language because whenever you spoke to him he ignored you like you were the crazy, out of character one to approach him to begin with. It was like you were simple strangers.

Like you were nothing to him.

This had all piled up and crashed down on you on a Friday morning in between classes. You escaped onto the rooftop and hid behind the fan exhausts to cry to your hearts content. It had been another failed attempt at getting him to talk with you that ended in utter embarrassing failure. Fat tears rolled down your face faster than you could wipe them away.  Holding your breath did little to keep your sobs below the sound of the exhaust fans so you wouldn't alert any students who were ditching class to your pitiful presence.

"Are you okay?" You heard a voice pique beside you. You turned your probably snotty, blotchy face to the origin and we're surprised to find the cute brown haired girl from the other day. The one that liked Rehan.

You forgot her name... fuck. What was her name?

Wait, did she tell you her name? Probably right? Shit...

"Oh! H-hey! Yeah, sorry I was just leaving-" you got up and dusted off yourself in a sad attempt to save face. A tiny voice in the back of your mind wondered where her other two sycophants were looming, but that was a very small mean voice you chose to ignore. Sure the other two were mean but this girl was different. She seemed really sweet and innocent and you wanted to get to know her better. If only you could remember her damn name!

"Wait! You don't have to leave or tell me what this is about, but here." She held out tissues and you gladly took one, cleaning your tear stained face with a weak smile. Maybe she wanted to get to know you better too!

"Thanks," you sniffed. "I just feel like I lost my best friend and I don't know what to do. I'm just so frustrated because we used to be so close but now he won't even look me in the eye, let alone speak to me." You laughed, but it sounded more like a sob. She gently rubbed your back, guiding you towards an old bench. Honestly, the whole situation felt slightly awkward, but you were still thankful she took the time to care.

You watched her sit with you in silence for a few minutes. Neither of you knew what to say to break the silence yet, so instead you watched her hair move in the wind. Her cute little bob moved back and forth as the wind moved through it. Her face was turned from you, her attention pointed elsewhere like she was trying to give you space. Suddenly you realized how cute the girl was. She was short but curvy, with a cute face. Honestly she was the kind of girl guys based anime protagonists love interests off of. Plus she was shy and kind to a fault!

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