Chapter 5: The Fruit Of Knowledge

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"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."

- Dorothy Parker


When Mr. Flynn came over to inspect your pig his only complaint was the holes in your subjects diaphragm. Other than that you got a decent score. The rest of class was spent talking to Atlas about random things and laughing when his lab partner made the pig tell bacon jokes. It was cheesy and you were the only one laughing, but you enjoyed it. Yes, it was dumb, but you had never had so much fun during dissections before. Yes you and Rehan would laugh but he was always so serious with his studies. It was a breath of fresh air to have Atlas for a partner, well his partner included. He was equal parts serious and fun with class. You couldn't believe the student council President was so chill compared to your best and closest friend. The thought alone made you upset at yourself for comparing your best friend to his enemy, but at the same time he was hiding something big. You just had to find out what it was.

When the bell inevitably rang, signaling next period, you began to clear the table. Unbinding the pigs feet and arms to put his carcass in a bag and clean your equipment. With the three of you working together it didn't take much time at all before you all returned ro Mr. Flynn's classroom to grab your bags for next period. However, before you could leave the room Atlas had grabbed your arm, holding you in place until everyone had left.

"Hey," he started, smiling. "Good job today."

You blinked at him, irritated. "Really? That's all? You made me stay behind for that 'good job, champ' bullcrap? Well, thanks, Dad," you laughed before starting to leave again. He did not release your arm.

"I didn't mean for class (Y/n). I meant good job staying in class and not running after Rehan. I know he's hurt but he needs to get over himself. He's always been like that." He sighed in a strange way only a friend would. It creeped you out.

"Ew, don't say it like that, Weirdo. You act like youve known him your whole life." Your face crumpled in mild irritation. It still bothered you Rehan never spoke of him. Especially since you never remembered them ever hanging out. You would know since you've known him for a long time. Even before you came to this school.

Wait a minute...

"Who are your parents?" You asked. The puzzle finally clicking together inside your head. Atlas saw the cogs in your brain moving in overdrive and his face froze. He looked like he wanted to kick himself.

"Ah, it's late, we better leave for class," He said, his voice sounding rushed. He weaved passed you and through the door like the devil was chasing after him.

That was it wasn't it? They were friends through their parents! That's why you didn't see them hang out. Rehan could never invite you to his families parties because it was invite only and your parents didn't exactly drive bentleys and Ferrari's. They were middle class at best with stable nine to five jobs. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a philanthropist who donated their extra money to orphaned children in Ethiopia or some other third world country. Who the hell had extra money anyway?! Basically, they were in two totally different, tax-bracketed worlds. Even if it didn't influence your friendship as a whole, it still was enough time apart that you could see how he made other friends you did not know about. He didn't really talk about those parties to begin with other than texting you how bored he was during them. He had to sneak his phone because his mother didn't allow them during the parties since she found it to be rude to text in front of the guests.

That had to be how they met and became friends. It made no logical sense otherwise. You had to find Rehan and tell him you knew now! Not the whole story, but enough to get the rest of the story out of him! Atlas and his big mouth came in handy. You knew you could get it out of one of them! You just didn't know which. Sometimes you were too smart for your own good!

You skipped to class in a flourish! Happiness pulled the corners of your mouth up, not caring how crazy you looked to anyone watching. You should have been an investigator! It was too much fun!





Pathetic was not an accurate word to describe how Rehan felt in that moment. He had left, crying like a child while they stayed alone together. The thought made his eyes water again, but he refused to be pathetic any longer. It was a greater pain than being upset at you. His world was so much smaller when it was only the two of you in it. You were his ride or die. He did everything with you, absolutely everything.

Amusement park rides that made your knees so weak you had to lean on him. Late night drives and McDonald's trips when you both couldn't sleep. Exploring abandoned houses during Halloween and laughing hysterically at each other's childish fear. He could look back on any of these so clearly even though they were years apart. Each memory etched into his brain, like carvings onto stone. Every memory was covered with magic and laughter.

Now there was someone else taking your time and attention, and Rehan didn't like it. Something deep within his being writhed and stirred at the stabbing pain in his chest.

But why was he in pain?

You had every right to go with Atlas to the dance. Or anyone for that matter, it was entirely your choice as long as you were happy. That was his end goal to begin with. What did it matter that he wasn't the one to take you to that dance. He would still be going. He would just need to find a new date. Still, it frustrated him to no end. Rehan hadn't come right out and told you about wanting to go because he had wanted it to be a surprise. You were on the brink of a meltdown over your future and he wanted to relieve your stress and anxiety, even if it was only the tiniest bit.

It was stupid of him to think no one else would come along to ask you. You were becoming less introverted these days, and he didn't have every class with you. Maybe you made friends while he was away from you. Of course you would want to broaden your horizons. Still, he couldn't shake the feeling of abandonment no matter how ridiculous he knew it was.

Your world was expanding without him.

If you could find someone else to be close to, then maybe he should let you. If it was anyone other than Atlas he could be fine with it! Maybe... he honestly didn't know if that was the truth or not. His emotions were too haywire to be understood right now.

He felt a pang in his chest but decided to ignore it. He didn't need to be feeling anything right now. He needed to get to his next class. His parents were most likely notified of him skipping first period. Hopefully they wouldn't be too upset at him for it. If you were here you probably would have told him that he should enjoy it and that it was a problem for future him. But you weren't here.

He felt his chest pang again.


There had to be a reason. He just knew it. Atlas was up to something. If he was trying to illicit a reaction out of him, it was working.


Oh isn't it just ironic that Rehan thinks this was Atlas's doing when it was really yours? Hahaha story telling! It makes no sense!

This is a filler chapter and it's very short Bc I don't wanna reveal too much too soon! Just bit by bit until I have a full fledged story. I think I'm just gonna finish writing it and then post it!

And sorry it's so short. I just want to get some plot out there really. It's been a while and I missed it!

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