Chapter 10: Inside the Unraveled Mind

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Loving you was burning lungs.
Loving you was not being able to breathe.
Loving you was panic.
Loving you felt a lot like drowning.

- Makenzie Herbert


You just stared at the screen, perplexed and a little hangry.

Sorry about yesterday.

[Deleted Message]

It seemed Atlas was feeling bad about what he had done with the kiss. You had thought it was strange too, but he did flirt with you a lot. Still, you never expected him to do such a thing so out in the open. It made you wonder if he had it planned out or just went off the vibes (not that you had any intention of passing make-out with me vibes). Usually when someone likes a person and they don't know how the other one feels they won't have their friends around in case they crash and burn in a poor attempt at making a move. Did he just have no shame? Still, you didn't pull away. You froze when he kissed you, unable to register how you felt about the situation until it was over and even then you didn't know how to feel.

Maybe he just simply gave no fucks! He didn't really seem like the person to not care given his history. He was President of your class and played a bunch of sports. He seemed like he cared about things way too much to kiss someone he barely knew in front of a few of his friends then completely bounce once he got frustrated.

You assumed every move he made was calculated. He have no reason to think otherwise. He had good grades he played sports, he was never late to class and made excellent grades in all of his subjects. He's got one of the best GPA's in the school district, and had even won some prestigious awards for some math competitions. Seriously, who the hell does that? He was very popular and could have anyone he wanted in the school. There was a reason he was voted into presidency, he was the kind of guy everyone wanted to be or wanted to be with. He barely knew you. Who does that?

What was he thinking? Did he just get swept in the moment and go off instinct?

He didn't seem like the kind of person to let his emotions rule him either, but what did you know about him to begin with? It seemed like no one in your school knew much about him either, other than he liked to keep busy with sports and club meetings. He had a pretty wealthy family that liked to donate loads of money to the school, but they were always too busy to show up to the private events held by the school. You remember Rehan and Atlas were close when they were younger. Maybe their parents were too. Both families are wealthy, so they must have swam in the same wealthy ponds.

Rehan's parents were very popular and lively in the community. His parents liked to show their faces and be known, but you never heard much about Atlas' family other than their large donations to the school. They liked to stay to themselves for such wealthy people. There was no Yacht clubs or country clubs around so maybe they just didn't hang around town, but hell, you didn't know what they liked to do in their spare time. They had more money than most people knew what to do with, so you wouldn't put it past them to go a couple states over just to have a little fun. Who were you to put rich people in a box? Maybe they were just introverted hermits with a lot of money?

Yeah, that sounded like a life you would like to live.

You left your phone on charge, watching the screen. You smirked when Atlas' texts would bubble before disappearing and starting over again.

Finally, Atlas was at a loss for words, for once.

You chuckled to yourself, leaving your room to rummage in the kitchen to make some dinner. Tomorrow school would be interesting, at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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