Chapter 7: The War Has Already Begun

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"Jealousy in a relationship is a lot like salt in food. A little can enhance the savor, but too much can spoil the pleasure and, under certain circumstances, can be life threatening."

- Maya Angelou

After school you had the entire weekend to sit and stew in your own self pity. Of course it was all inside your head, but you were spiraling at the shit-show that had now become your life. Rehan had been MIA for the rest of the day besides when you caught glimpses of him in the halls. It seemed every time he was laughing at something one of his friends said with his arm around Chelsea. She would look at you like you were actually his ex or something. Gross! Brianna deserved better than shitty friends like her.

Silently wishing you had gotten Brianna's number before you parted ways, you turned the corner and passed by your class President.

'Oh, goodie.'

"Well, hello there!" Atlas spun around to walk next to you. He had papers in his hand when you saw him and they looked important judging by how fast he was walking before he saw you and abandoned whatever prior duties he had. But when he saw you he couldn't help himself, and it made it all the better that Rehan was just around the corner hearing your conversation even if you were moving away from him. He fought laughter all day watching Rehan get a rise out of you as he held that tall blonde girl and laughed like he was oh so happy without you. He knew exactly what he was doing to you, and you were none the wiser. Atlas had to admit you were pretty fun to play with, but Rehan was even better when upset. And he knew exactly which buttons to press.

"Why are you walking with me? Don't you have important duties to fulfill to your doting student body?" You looked up at him.

"Well, considering you are part of said student body, I feel like I am fulfilling my duties." He smiled and bumped you slightly to draw your eyes back to his. "Honestly, I was trying to check on you. Don't stress about Rehan, he's an asshole and you don't need to think about him as hard as you are right now. He's just taking you for a ride at this point and you're falling for it." It was strange, you had known Rehan for a while and he never once seemed like a conniving person like Atlas describes. Did you really not know your friend at all?

You just wanted to change the subject already.

"Wow..." you smiled trying to do just that. "I was hoping you would say something sexual like 'I'd like to fulfill my duties to your student body.' Or something stupid like that." You shook your head in mock outrage.

"Hey now, I have more tact than that. And I'm a lot better at coming up with lines than whatever that was. Stick to making art, Gorgeous, you suck at pick up lines." He laughed.

You gasped. "That is not true! I got more rizz in my pinky finger than you have in your entire body, Prezzy" You stopped, turning to stand on your tiptoes so you could be eye level with him.

"Mmm, I know." He smiled, grinning again in that lazy way that kind of made your heart do a jumpy thing. Can't have that while you were still figuring out if you could trust him. What if he was right about Rehan and things are never the same. Maybe he just wanted some distance now that he had a girlfriend. Or he just wanted some time apart since everyone else thought you were dating and telling people you weren't all the time we're starting to get on his nerves.

You sighed and smiled back, hoping it looked authentic enough. His eyes were fierce as they looked into yours. They pulled you right out of your thoughts which you were thankful for. Being sad sucked!

Atlas looked at you hard for a minute. Just really looked at you, tilting his head barely enough for you to notice. The stack of papers were gripped in the crook of his arm at his side and his chest was moving steadily.

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