Chapter 9: Conflict of Interest

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Atlas' words still hung in the air between the two of you as he pulled you around to different games inside the arcade. The music and lights were already too much, but his words pushed you over the edge.

If he didn't trust you, why was he here? More importantly what sadistic part of him wanted to see you and Rehan squirm in front of each other? What did he get out of reconnecting you to Rehan? It just made everything more awkward than it needed to be.

He never planned on giving you a relaxing day out to connect with new friends. It was premeditated and Brianna just went along with it because she had a thing for Rehan.

Still, one thing was off.

"Atlas, cut the shit and just tell me why you and I are paired up. If you wanted to see Rehan and I act uncomfortable around each other why didn't you just pair us up instead?" You crossed your arms and straightened your back so you could feel a little bigger.

Atlas Shrugged and continued to vigorously attack the little lever on the pinball machine. Only when he sank the ball in the winning hole did he rise up to his full height and turn to you. At his full height he was intimidating, but you did your best to play it cool. Half of his face was bathed in the flashing lights of the machine as 'WINNER' flashed on the screen. In this moment he looked handsome, you wondered why Brianna liked Rehan more. Sure he was nice to look at too but there was something mysterious about Atlas. Maybe you just knew Rehan too well for you to see him that way. There was that one time in grade school, but that was playground romance. Advanced romance still spooked you.

"You ask a lot of questions, Van Gorgeous. You really need to take things in stride." He smiled and flicked your nose with the game card playfully. He expertly jumped back when you tried swatting at him. Then he smirked before looking over your shoulder.

You turned to see what caught his attention and what you saw was pretty sad, you had to say. Brianna and Rehan were only a few feet from the two of you. They both carried little laser guns and pointed at a screen with growling zombies. It was one of your favorite games but Rehan preferred the classic arcade games more. Brianna was smiling and laughing as she nailed each head shot. Each time she nailed one of them she would squeal and jump. Rehan, however, remained rigid as he looked at you and Atlas. His gun was pointed at the screen, but he did not even attempt to shoot his share of the undead. He was witnessing a much bigger attack to his world than being killed by zombies. From his perspective, you and Atlas were having a moment.

His expression looked lost and upset, you were not surprised he didn't even attempt to hide his stare when your eyes met. For a psych student Rehan could never control his emotions well, and you sucked at reading faces. His emotions were always easy to understand, except for this stare he would sometimes send your way when he thought you were distracted. It was the same lost expression, but there was this want that you could never find the cause of. Maybe he did need a girlfriend.

Still his stare was too much for you in that moment. This stupid little game was going on for far too long. This whole thing was so dumb. You refused to take this anymore. Being mad at one another was ruining you both at this jackasses expense.

You huffed and crossed the room, ignoring Atlas' words and Rehan's wide, exuberant eyes. Brianna was still jumping at her high score on the zombie game when she saw you and stopped. Her surprised expression quickly flashed to one of poorly concealed dejection. She looked upset, but she begrudgingly stepped aside when Rehan pressed past her to stand before you.

No words surfaced in your mind. Your mind could find no such comforting words that could touch on the hurt you both felt when you tried to look in each others eyes. How did something so small become such a huge problem?

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