Chapter 8: This is a Fucking Double Date

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"The course of true love never did run smooth."

–William Shakespeare

The day was beautiful. Not a gray cloud in the sky or a gloomy song from a bird! Atlas was proud of himself. He could not have picked a better day to fuck shit up if he tried.

Just then his phone pinged. Retrieving it from his back pocket he looked at the message with a large grin splitting his face. The text was from Rehan, of course.

If she's there, I'll come.
10:32 AM

Simp XD
10:32 AM

Atlas already told Rehan all the details of the situation, well mostly. He only left out the part about Brianna coming along for obvious reasons. To be completely honest, he was not sure if he could convince Rehan to come at all, but maybe he liked you more than Atlas thought. Rehan was the kind of person who always thought everything through with total rationality, and Atlas knew with absolute certainty. So, it would be interesting to see why he agreed in the first place. Of course (Y/n) had no clue he was coming, but he knew she would not ditch if Brianna was there and Rehan would not ditch if Y/n) were there. It was a delicate system of lies carefully orchestrated to ruin Rehan's entire weekend.

Still, he did not feel bad. Rehan agreed to this after all. It was like Rehan still needed to spend time with you even if he was upset with you. Atlas could see how this feud was starting to affect Rehan, whittling his logical thinking down to bare bones so the darker parts of his mind could fester. How fun! In the halls at school, Atlas noticed how Rehan's eyes would flicker every time you looked at him with hurt when he passed you in the halls. Each time you looked away Rehan would look at you. It was the look of a man wanting, waiting. Atlas was so confused by how Rehan handled his crush on you. He knew from a long time ago back in grade school that Rehan had a thing for you (a big thing), but he did not think it would last. Then, he saw every potential guy that had a crush on you slowly fall out of love with you mysteriously. Soon he found out that each time Rehan played a role in sabotaging the situation to make the guy leave in the end. Even if you could potentially fall for the guy and be happy, Rehan never allowed any relationship between you and someone else to progress.

Once Atlas asked why Rehan never made a move to just ask you out, but it was met with willful ignorance on Rehan's part. Rehan would even go as far as deny liking you to begin with. When he tried to speak on the subject with Rehan it would almost always end in a screaming match. It is what caused them to drift apart, to begin with. As his friend started to like you more and more, Atlas saw him less and less. Never with you, of course, he didn't want to draw his precious (Y/n)s attention to another guy, especially if the other guy was his best friend.

Still, Atlas could not say he hated you. He disliked you, but that was only because he wanted to hate you and couldn't. Maybe in another life, you could have all been friends together, but that was just wishful thinking on his part.

With that thought in mind, Atlas strolled to his car, whistling a merry tune as he did so. He had a date to attend to, after all.

It was hot out, extremely hot. You should have brought your sunglasses. You just hoped whatever Atlas had planned for the day held a place in a building with air conditioning.

'On my way babe ;)' 10:58 AM.

'Never string that sentence together again.

My breakfast almost made a comeback.' 11:05 AM.

He just send a GIF of Thumper ogling that cute girl rabbit from the Bambi movie. Ha, he thought he was being cute, that's adorable.

Damn, it felt like you were talking to Rehan, except he would never have put the GIF. Rehan's pet names usually were sarcastic. It reminded you of how you two used to be, and frankly, it made you sad.

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