Chapter 10

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TW: This chapter contains content that some readers may find distressing. Please do not read this if you are triggered by panic attacks as this is what will occur. If you want to, let me know and I can post or message you a summary of this chapter so that you won't miss anything. Stay safe ❤

Kailey groaned as her alarm clock rang through the air, cutting through the peaceful silence that she and Luka had fallen into mere minutes before. They'd barely moved from their position over the night, only slightly shifting so Luka didn't lose circulation in his arm.

Luka chuckled as Kailey buried her head under the covers, whining how she didn't wanna go to school again.

"El, believe me, I want you to stay here too but I think your brothers would riot if you missed out on the opportunity to get an education..." He mumbled, pulling the covers down again.

She frowned up at him, trying to silently convince him otherwise.

He simply laughed again and flicked her nose, causing her to yelp in shock.

Kailey frowned at his answering grin and rolled out of the bed, flipping him off as she walked to her dresser, not needing to get dressed as she was still in her clothes from the night before.

Luka snickered, sitting up in bed to watch Kailey go by.

'That is just plain rude' He said, tutting at her.

Kailey looked back at him in the mirror and rolled her eyes.

'What, and flicking my nose isn't rude?' She asked, still watching him from the mirror.

'No, of course not. It is obviously a sign of my love...' He said, standing and walking to the dresser, leaning over so he was eye level with Kailey.

Kailey rolled her eyes again and shoved his head away from hers.

'You're an idiot, you know that right?' She said, side-eyeing him.

Luka just shrugged.

'I may be an idiot, but you still love me so... I'm winning here really,' He said, winking at Kailey in a way that always made her blush.

She mock-glared at him, her emerald eyes sparkling in contrast to her pink cheeks.

"Shut up," She said out loud, turning her attention back to the mirror and resisting the urge to look over at him.

He huffed slightly, sulking over to the door in a show of defeat.

"Fine, I'll just go to breakfast then..." He grumbled, pouting at her.

"Quit sulking, you big baby," She groaned, standing and walking to stand beside him so she could place a quick kiss on his cheek.

His pout instantly turned to a grin and he threw an arm around Kailey, pulling her into a side hug. She laughed and wrapped her arm around his waist, her free hand moving to hold his.

"Hey, how are you feeling today?" Luka asked gently, opening the door whilst keeping one eye on Kailey.

The two were already out the door before Kailey answered, squeezing Luka's hand slightly.

"I'm good. Better than I was the last time you asked which was... Around 30 minutes ago?"  She said playfully.

Sure, it was sweet that he was checking in on her but it was a little bit excessive. Especially considering he'd sometimes ask mid-conversation and completely killed the mood.

"Excuse me for being worried about the love of my life after she's just been through a bad experience," He huffed, frowning slightly.

"That's really sweet but you don't need to ask every 5 seconds Ruru if anything that's just reminding me of it all... Besides, I've got my fire back-" She lifted a fire-tipped finger, "-so, I'm good. Don't worry so much about it. If I need help I'll ask, Ok?" She said gently.

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