Chapter 15

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The Summer holidays had finally arrived, a full two and a half months where no one had to even think about school or work or anything. For Mika this meant that she had already said goodbye to most of her classmates, deciding it was unlikely that she would see them again in College. But, for Kailey and Luka, it just meant that they got a much-needed break.

Ignoring the fact that the two were already on a break, but a different kind. It had been around a month since they had officially begun their relationship break and neither had the courage to end it yet. Not that they were ready for it to end. Though Kailey had to admit that most mornings she still found herself reaching across the bed, searching for Luka's warmth only to be thoroughly disappointed by his absence. And there were nights where she wouldn't even be able to sleep at all because she missed him too much... Or because she knew that if she slept she'd have nightmares and she didn't want to bother anyone with those again. Especially not considering Damien would have to see all of those scenes as well and she really didn't want that...

That being said, the fact that she was even thinking about it at the dinner table meant that Damien could probably hear her... Sure enough, she turned her attention to him and caught his eye, his expression torn between a wince and a cringe.

'Sorry,' She thought, offering him a small apologetic smile.

He nodded slightly, turning his attention back to his food even as he noticed James glancing between the two. Kailey wasn't surprised that he'd noticed them if she were honest, he always noticed. Thankfully he chose not to comment, though she was sure that he had made a mental note to ask Damien later.

She was half tempted to ask her brother but knew better, he would probably lie anyway. His small smile, half-hidden by his fork, confirmed her ideas and she rolled her eyes. It was because of this that she missed Damien's subtle glance at James, silently asking for his help.

"You know what we haven't done in a while? A family holiday," James said, catching Damien's plea.

Kailey took the bait, despite herself.

"Technically, since we've never all been on a holiday together, we've never done a family holiday," She murmured, trying- and failing- not to feel a little jealous.

She knew that her brothers and Luka had all travelled the world together and, whilst she adored Mika and loved that she got to spend so much time with her, she would've liked to have gotten to travel with them too. They had so many memories together that she just wasn't a part of and she didn't like that. Still, she had to remind herself that they were all together now and they would get to make memories together, memories that she too would be a part of. And Mika, of course.

"Ok fine, you know what we should do? A family holiday, because we've never done one properly. Plus this is the perfect time considering none of you has school anymore,"

"Where do you suggest we go?" Erik jumped in, saving James from Kailey's impending snark.

"Hey, how about the beach? We haven't gone there in ages," Luka suggested.

The boys all grinned between each other, all except Sam who was visibly grimacing.

They all talked amongst each other, planning the day, Kailey occasionally jumping in with suggestions but mostly leaving it up to them.

"Wait, you guys mean the lake, right?" Mika asked, her brows furrowed.

Erik smirked, "No Princess, we mean the beach," He said, much to her confusion.

Unfortunately, the boys quickly got wrapped back up in their discussion, leaving no room to explain. Mika turned to Kailey, the question evident in her eyes but Kailey just shrugged back. She didn't understand either really, in Chicago there was only a lake, no beaches to be found. So, unless they were planning to leave the city (or the State), they were going to be severely disappointed.

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