Chapter 12

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Family dinners, a time that was beginning to be Kailey's favourite time of the day.

It would've been made 10x better had Luka not been sneezing and sniffling the whole time but it was still nice.

"Ruru I'm telling you, go get some rest, you're sick." She said, lightly kicking him under the table. 

"I'm not sick El-" He started, pausing in the middle to sneeze.

She raised a single brow as if to say 'Point proven'.

"That succubitch must've brought some shit over from the Demon world which you've now caught and are gonna give to all the rest of us if you don't get your ass to bed. Now." She said, pointing at the door.

"Wait, is there a difference between the illnesses in the Human and Demon Worlds?" Mika asked, not-so-subtly shifting her plate away as Luka sneezed yet again.

"Demon viruses are vicious. They feast off of your energy and leave you bedridden for weeks, without the proper care. The worst part is that people can't even really be helpful because you get to the point where you're so drained of energy that you get aggressive and horrible and if anyone touches you then you'll start draining their energy which then gives the virus more energy to feast off of so you stay sick for even longer. I learnt that last part the hard way," She mumbled, staring down at the table as Sam glared at her.

"Yeah, you learnt it. After you nearly killed me!" He growled, half-joking, half-serious.

"Wait what?!" Mika exclaimed, gaping at Kailey who raised her hands in defence.

"Ok I was little and I thought I was helping! It's not my fault!" She said, her pleading eyes meeting Sam's glare.

"What happened?" Luka asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Ok well... When I was a kid I thought that cuddles were like... A cure-all medicine. Every time I was hurt or whatever, someone would cuddle me and I would feel better... So, when Sam got sick I thought that cuddling him would make him all better... But of course, I was wrong. The cuddles only gave him more energy which made him sicker... To the point where he very well may have died" She mumbled, pouting slightly.

"Ok, that's oddly adorable. You basically nearly killed your brother but only because you love him so much that you thought your cuddles could save him," Mika said, a faint smile gracing her face.

"Exactly! I thought I was helping!!" Kailey exclaimed, still pouting.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say, Eli. Now, focus on your dumbass boyfriend who's still sick, in case you've forgotten," Sam said, turning away to hide his small smile.

She caught it, of course, and returned it with a grin of her own before turning to Luka, her face now stern.

"You. Bed. Now." She said, once again pointing at the door.

"I don't wanna," He whined, silently pleading with her to let him stay.

Kailey sighed, softening at his sad expression.

"Look, all I want is for you to get better and the way to do that is by getting lots of rest, Ok? So please, go to bed. For me?" She asked sweetly.

He groaned, dropping his fork and grumbling "Fine," as he trudged to the door.

"Thank you! I'll check on you in a bit Ok? I love you," She said, watching him leave.

"Love you too, El," He mumbled, his words barely audible through the now shut door.

"Won't you get sick if you go check on him? Aren't you all probably gonna get sick, because we all ate dinner with him?" Mika asked, glancing worriedly between the siblings.

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