Captain America The first Avenger chapter 6: Drumms of war

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Location: Hydra headquater


The Hauptmann, Kroenen and Zola stood in Schmidt's office. Schmidt was in front of them.

''Well.'' Kroenen sad slowly as if not to anger Schmidt. His action with the nazis must have let an impression on him. ''The assasinaton of Dr Abraham Erskine was a sucsess. But...'' He stopped for a second.

''I am waiting Doctor.'' Schmidt said calmy.

''The americains were able to create a soldier. But the agent was able to destroi the samples of the serum and the machine. So they won't create new soldiers.'' Kroenen finished hir report.

Schmidt nodded. ''The soldier could present a threat . But I don't think he will be a big one. Doctor Zola how is the development going on?'' He questioned the swiss doctor.

''The development of new wepons is doing great. We were able to create several new wepons.'' He said proudly laying some photos on the table between them.

'' He said proudly laying some photos on the table between them

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''Impressive doctor, I must say you have surpased my expectations

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''Impressive doctor, I must say you have surpased my expectations.'' Schmidt congratulated. ''But now Hauptmann how is the situation on the field?''

Without a word the albino pulled out a bundle of documents and gave them to Schmidt.

The leader of Hydra took the documents and red them. ''I see. Looks like the americans didn't like our assasination and decided to attack. But looks like that they won't be such a problem with our superior technology.''

He began to grinn. ''And it looks like they use the only thing that really could threaten us as simple propaganda.''

 After he red through the documents he turned his gaze at the Hauptmann. ''I want you and Kroenen to take care of them, eliminate them. Understood? And if you are able, bring me some of of those Captain America movies.''

The werewolf just nodded and turned around Kroenen right behind him. It was time for a real war.

Location: Germany

Bucky Barnes

He was walking alongside his men through a forest. Somewhere in this area was a hydra weapon factory. A spy plane discovered it before it had been shot down.

Now it was their part to find and destroy it.

Suddenly a soldier tipped him ''Hey Barnes. Did you hear the rumors about that super soldier?'' Barnes turned around and looked at his comerade. Dum Dum Dugan was the big friendly giant he was loyal but if it was necessary, he would blow holes into the Nazis with his shotgun.

Barnes raised an eyebrow. ''Do you mean Captain America? What about him?''

Dugen shook his head and then lowered his voice so that only Barnes could understand him. ''No, I mean that rumor about that Hydra Hauptmann. I heard that he was even taler than the captain and a literal monster. I heard that Hydra made a pact with the devil, and that he had send one of his hounds in human skin to aid them.''

Barnes chuckled. ''You shouldn't believe everything you hear Dugan.'' With that they went on their way. Without noticing the figure above, them in one of the trees staring at them with red emotionless eyes.

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Hello readers.

I am sorry that it took me so long to update this story. I am also sorry that this chapter is so short. I hope than in the future I will be able to write and publish more. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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