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You lost your cool,breathing heavily and nervously.

"Hey! Its been a long time since we talk. Right?" Guren says, smiling to you. Oh god does he know how handsome he is now.


"Its almost 2 week of you in Japan ever since you came back from Africa. And we haven't talk much. Right?" He continues.

"Yeah." You don't know why are you so nervous and awkward with him.

"(Y/N), there's something i need to tell you."


"You know about me.. and Mahiru..."

"Yes. I know, I'm happy for you" you say with a force smiles on your face. Then you both stop as you both heard someone's voice, a girl voice, none other, Mahiru Hiragi, calling out for Guren.

"Guren! Lets go to school together!" She says smiling and hugging Guren in front of you. She saw you and smiling sarcastically.

"Oh so you're Guren's best friend, wait a childhood friend am I right?" She asked you with her eyes shining bright.


"Oh I'm Mahiru Hiragi, Guren's girlfriend." She continued.

"I know." You replied.

"Enough Mahiru, don't make scene here." Guren push Mahiru slightly away from him and start to go from there and leaving both of you. Mahiru looked into you and grin.

"Remember, you may come back here. I know that you're once to be a very important person in Guren's life, but you left him alone. But now everything's changed. He's mine now. Do keep that in mind." She walked away with her hair flipped to your face.

"Huh.. what a dumb ass bitch." You murmured.

You arrived at school and open your backpack, searching for your homework. After a lots of hour having classes, then its recess time! Only God knows how hungry you are that time. You walking through the hallway, wanted to go to the vending machine as you wanted to buy some drinks since you forgot to bring yours. After buying the drinks from the vending machine, you walk back to your class but you saw Guren walk to a hallway and enter an empty class. You followed him and make sure he's not realize that you followed him. You stand outside the class,peeping him, again and you almost dropped your jaw as you saw Guren was kissing with Mahiru inside the empty classroom.

You leave the place immediately, running to the female toilet.It feels hard to breath, you try to breath but its hard to swallow the air. You feel your heart aches so much. Its almost like you want to punch it but you cant. You bite your lips try to hold your tear but you cant hold it. You burst into tears as soon as you arrived inside the female toilet. You locked yourself inside the toilet and sitting down on the floor(luckily the floor is squeaky clean LMAO)

"Why? Why? Its my fault.. its my fault..leaving him.. i.. i.." you hold you mouth try not to scream.

Timeskip after school, (YOUR FAMILY NAME)Mansion

" Father. I agree. I am going to wield The Great White Demon."

NOTES: So everythings happen after the Catastrophe or Guren's novel event. And this timeskip event is during Vampire Reign Battle of Nagoya and so on. So maybe you need to read the light novels or just read wikipedia@summary and so on about Guren's life event. I may slightly change some of it (Mahiru things and so on). yeaahh..hope you enjoy it.

Guren Ichinose X Female.Reader +Prequel  (Owari No Seraph) Where stories live. Discover now