2|Stuck with you

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Our mall spree was amazing. Almost every store was on sale, with discounts ranging between 10%-25% off.

As young and energetic teenagers, Alice and I used the situation to our advantage.

We started by shopping for new outfits, shoes, and jewellery. We visited every store in the mall—except the super-expensive ones— so we could haggle down the prices of similar items and buy them at very economical rates. Later, we visited Perfect Touch—the only salon every female member of my family ever patronized. While I had my manicure done, Alice styled her hair to shoulder-length waves. When her hair was all done and she asked me how she looked, I told her she looked great, even though I couldn't spot any major changes in her look.

We continued our spree, visiting Alice's favourite bakery, the retro-game arcade, and the wishing fountain where I wished my sophomore year would turn out great even without Alice around.

With the click of a camera, it was 5:30 pm and we had to head straight home. Alice's curfew ended by 9:00 pm because Gina was graceful enough to let her stay out that late, but Sue wasn't.

"How 'bout a selfie to capture the moment?" Alice suggested as we walked out of Stone Cold—the best ice-cream store in the world—noisily slurping our strawberry and chocolate smoothies.

"Perfect idea," I agreed, rummaging through my purse for my phone. "Oh, where is it?" I mumbled under my breath, trying to recall when last I had seen the device.

My breathing paced and my brain went into panic mode as I pulled random objects out of my purse. Candy bar, No. Tiny mirror, Oh wow, I thought I lost this. Pen, diary, lipstick, no, no no.

This shouldn't be happening. I'd break curfew if I had to go searching at all the stores we'd visited. And Sue did give me a pre-warning.

A breath of relief escaped my lips as I clutched the communication device in my palm.

"Thought you'd lost it right?" Alice asked as I swiped the phone open, and tapped the Snapchat icon.

I shrugged, smiling softly because I had no come-back.

We had taken three tongue-outs, four silly faces, and six bunny ears and were about to use one of the face glowing filters when an eye-defected man bumped into us.

In a blink of an eye, I found my feet steering toward a baby stroller. My head bumped on the push handle and my strawberry drink dropped out of my hand. I managed to regain balance, massaging the throbbing side of my head as I stood.

When the blur cleared from my eyes, it landed on a lady. She narrowed her eyes, glaring at me like she wanted to erase me from existence. I followed her gaze and realised why she was frowning so much. My smoothie had emptied all over her cute baby's face and body.

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