25|Plan in motion

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Brynn was going to blow a fuse if she caught me with her laptop right now.

Which was why I locked my bedroom door and was sitting at an angle where someone coming in wouldn't be able to see what I was doing. It was funny how easy it was for me to come up with better-improvised ways of doing not-so-nice things compared to nice things.

Glazing my eyes over Brynn's computer screen, I grinned at my beautiful chaos-wrecking post.

@Spooksie: Y'all wouldn't believe what I just found on this site https//www.spill_em_all.com. Who knew Addie McCarthy enjoyed fucking girls so much?

The first phase of my plans had been brilliantly completed. I had opened the Spooksie account with Brynn's laptop using a fake email address so whoever ran the site wouldn't know who shared the link, and then I created a gossip blog with my laptop. This was after I'd encrypted the locations on both mine and Brynn's computers so that anyone who tried to trace them would be redirected to twenty incorrect addresses over Europe and South America.

Guess that seventh-grade computer coding and encryption summer class finally came in handy after all.

I had even attached a clear shot of one of Addie's pictures I'd taken to the post to grab their attention. Now, all I had to do was wait. By tomorrow, the entire school would've seen this video, and everyone would be subscribing to my gossip blog.
I had to admit, I'd done a pretty neat job designing this website. The first thing you noticed when the page loaded was the words Spill 'Em All written in a mix of bold and cursive red letters. But when you took a fraction of a second to stare at the screen, you'd find we've got all the latest gossip at Elm and we're ready to... written right above Spill 'Em All in smaller print.

I thought it was a good idea to place a tiny, slightly tipping coffee mug dripping out ink black liquid in between the letters M and A, and so I did just that. I'd even provided an untraceable email address on the 'Contact Me' spot for people who'd like to get in touch with me or expose something they think is juicy.

After scanning my first post for one last time, I shut Brynn's computer down and quietly crept downstairs.

When I entered the living room, Dad and Sue were snuggled against each other on a couch and watching Family Feud. "Could you get that for me, Alina?" Sue asked once she sensed me coming down the stairs. I grumbled quietly as the microwave's beep reached my ear drums.

"Sure thing," I drawled, dragging my lazy feet into the kitchen.

After getting the salted popcorn into a bowl, I grabbed myself a Hershey bar from the refrigerator.

I wasn't about to watch two to three hours of Steve Harvey without a chewy snack.

Hell, no.

"Here you go," I said, placing the bowl of popcorn in the middle of the coffee table, before slumping into an empty cushion.

After watching crazy family drama unfold on reality T.V for a little over thirty minutes, I cat-stretched my back. "Where's Brynn?" I inquired with slightly cocked eyebrows. The house could never be this peaceful on a weekend when she was around.

Dad grabbed another helping of the popcorn. "Ballet practice," he said with an offhanded shrug.

I nodded slowly, chewing into my lip and glancing at the wall clock. "Shouldn't somebody be getting her by now? It's three O'clock." As much as I would rather enjoy a Brynn-free weekend, I cared for my sister and didn't want her to be left hungry and all alone at her dance studio.

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